Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Comment tool shortcut

I usually use the comment tool by:

- dragging it on to the canvas and then

- Repositioning and expanding it to cover the tools I'd like to comment on.


What if I could select the tools I wanted to comment on and then use a key combination or double click so that the comment tool surrounds these tools for me. 


Note: Additional enhancement would be to anchor the comment to the tools selected but I see that this was dropped for consideration:


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

I like this idea, it follows a similar approach to how you can quickly put a group of tools instead a tool container.

given companies have different style guides and preferences for comment boxes or tool containers for documenting workflows, having a similar approach will make this easier to adopt.

10 - Fireball

I would love a keyboard shortcut to add a comment box. I have the tool in my favorites, but a keyboard shortcut would be so much faster!