Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

Share your Designer Desktop product ideas - we're listening!
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Submission Guidelines

Change In-DB to Input Data or Input Data to In-DB

I would like to suggest the functionality of converting an In-DB tool to Input Data automatically as it is done with Input Data so that it becomes an automatic Macro input.


The reverse would also be interesting, converting the Input Data, when it is connected to the database, to In-DB.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Your idea and feedback is appreciated!


Our product team is constantly striving to make our products better, and the user feedback we received is critical in that mission. We recommend checking out our Submission Guidelines as they go into greater depth on the criteria needed for an idea to reach product as well as go over the boards in general. Make sure to also check out other user’s ideas!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

hey @carlosteixeira 


I really do understand the desire to be able to switch between in-DB and regular old input tools - would it perhaps be better to eliminate the distinction between inDB and regular and instead just treat this as an execution option (i.e. execute via DB Pushdown vs return data to desktop)?


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hey @SeanAdams 

Yes, that's a good idea too, that makes a lot of sense. That's a good way.

