Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Cached Data

Bring back the Cache checkbox for Input tools. It's cool that we can cache individual tools in 2018.4. 


The catch is that for every cache point I have to run the entire workflow. With large workflows that can take a considerable amount of time and hinders development. Because I have to run the workflow over and over just to cache all my data.


Add the cache checkbox back for input tools to make the software more user friendly.

8 - Asteroid

If I upgrade my desktop Alteryx to 2019.3 for dev purposes, can I still export my workflows to a 2018.3 Alteryx Workflow Server if I hand edit the yxmd and change the version info there to <AlteryxDocument yxmdVer="2018.3"> ?


@jrobiso2 Yes, the generally structure of the workflow XML has not changed. If you use any specific features added after 2018.3 they obviously won't work when opened in 2018.3 though.

8 - Asteroid

**bleep** - I just realized we use "Export Workflow" when exporting for the Alteryx SERVER system, and thus I don't get the option to alter the xml to say 2018.3 before its all zipped up.




I take it the Alteryx server will refuse to run a workflow whose Alteryx version is higher than the server's version?


@jrobiso2 That is generally correct. You could keep a newer non-admin version of Alteryx, and an admin older version, make edits in the new one and then open it in an old one to do the upload to server?

8 - Asteroid

That should work. Thanks!


Also, the board "bleeped" my use of the word c. r. a. p. ? Wow.

8 - Asteroid

Not to put too fine of a point on this, but the new method of cacheing inputs still requires us to select all the inputs individually, then right click one to select "Cache and run".


I really miss the old checkbox on the Workflow tab to "cache all inputs". One click cache action.


I have something like 25 inputs, 20 of them DB data pulls. One check "cache all" was so much better.