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GPU, ASICS, FPGA... Hardware acceleration for Alteryx

Hello all,

A whole field of performance improvement have not been explored by Alteryx : the hardware acceleration by using something else than a CPU for calculation.

Here some good readings about that :

The kind of acceleration we can dream !




Best regards,

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


I don't think performance ideas are the most common so we appreciate the feedback on how we can improve! One of the primary goals of our Amp Engine was to improve workflow time and performance however there are many other areas we could improve I'm sure so this feedback is helpful for where we should start.

13 - Pulsar

Hello @KylieF ,

Indeed, hardware acceleration is not common in Analytics/Bi tools and not a single one of the softwares I use (Tableau, Qlik, Alteryx...) has implemented it  Most of the solutons I have seen are for very specialized software. However, it means a huge field to explore for our industry.

Best regards,


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes