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Alteryx version dedicated to Mac OS X?


An Alteryx version for Mac OS X sounded like a nice idea... Although there are options for using bootcamp with windows 7-8

or some virtualisation software as mentioned in a community post here.


Rationale 1 (Competitors do it):

First of all there is no need to neglect a customer segment using Mac's.


  • Rapidminer Studio comes with a dedicated OS X version,
  • Knime has Mac OS X support 
  • Weka has Mac OS X support as well
  • SPSS Modeler is Windows only but SPSS Stats is Mac OS X compatible.


Seems SAS was compatable in the last decade, but they dropped it. Now SAS is not OS X compatible but

still with the "SAS OnDemand" version Mac users can easly get a hands on experience.


Rationale 2:

The Mac Pro Beast has 7.2 TFlops of computing power with the help of dual ATI graphics cards.

It would be awesome to install Alteryx on one... 


8 - Asteroid


13 - Pulsar

Thanks for support

Status is Accepted so we are looking forward to next big release... 

14 - Magnetar

Any news on this? It has been more than a year since the last official communication. 

13 - Pulsar

great followup @Gab 

6 - Meteoroid

+1 needed in today's multi platform ecosystem.

6 - Meteoroid

I hope the team can do something to have native support for MacOs

9 - Comet

This is an absolutely must.


I wonder how much of market share is Alteryx losing by not having a MACOS version?


Tableau Prep Builder is growing quickly (and just yesterday it was announced it will soon run on Browser!) and it came since first version with MAC compatibility.

5 - Atom

So here we are, still. 


Any updates on a mac OS version?  Is it fair to say that there's no appetite for that market or population? Yes, vmware is an option, but should that be the answer? 


Looking forward...

5 - Atom

I am a Mac user. I would also prefer not to have to use a VM to run Alteryx.

Many tools from other competitors have the Mac version....

7 - Meteor

For a company to ignore this issue for 5 years is a bit of a bummer.  When will Alteryx realize they are offering the same concept as Apple: a more user-friendly, productive product that anyone can pick up and intuitively use?  Alteryx is the Mac of python/r, so why not connect with a customer base that wants user experience more than anything by natively supporting Alteryx on Mac?


Additionally, accepting a solution, but never delivering results - is the same as denying a solution while silencing user feedback.