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Alteryx Explorer Box - Additional Functionalities



I have 2 simple ideas that would help me a little bit while working with the explorer box: 


  • I think it would be amazing if we could pick the Internet Browser while using the Explorer box. 


While opening certain websites, I am getting this information: 



I know probably the answer to it isn't so simple, but that would give us a little bit extra flexibility while using Explorer box. 


My goal is to open a word or excel file with specific documentation. If I were able to use a newer browser, I could easily open a file with a link to a webpage. 


  • Second, can we give the Explorer box a header similar to what we got in the containers? The address bar does not always give us information about what the explorer box shows and a small extra header that we can configure would add some additional clarification



Alternatively, if I could merge a comment tool with the Explorer box tool that would also work.



8 - Asteroid

Hello @Emil_Kos  Like a lot of solution relying on third-party (active query builder for visual query builder, curl for download tool, etc, etc...), it's likely never upgraded by Alteryx despite ideas, security failures, etc.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Who knows @i_love_databases 😅 

maybe we will be surprised someday

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

This would be fantastic - I've had a lot of great ideas with the explorer box that I was unable to implement due to the limitations of the tool.


I think a whole plethora of uses could be found just by giving it a bit of love. 
Great idea!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yeah I agree the idea is great but from what I have heard it would be quite hard to implement @TheOC