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Allow "Join" and "Join Multiple" tools to coalesce IDs

Hello Alteryx,


In communicating with your agent Eddie Wong about a question (ref:_00DE0JJZ4._50044uMC7T:ref), he confirmed that Alteryx currently does not have an option to coalesce IDs when merging tables in the "Join" or "Join Multiple" tools.  This functionality is available in SQL and SAS, for example.


This code demonstrates it.


data d1;

      input ID age;


1 45

2 36

3 77






data d2;

      input ID height;


1 138

3 176

5 197







proc sql;

      select      coalesce(, as id,



      from  d1

                  full join


      on =;





Could you please consider adding this option into the "Join" and "Join Multiple" tools?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @ecai


I'm curious about the output that you're looking for - I've mocked up my understanding of your need below (this is a common-enough need so this is a common pattern)


Data: Similar to yours - data that does not perfectly match


Data 1.pngData 2.png


Then we do the full join (which is a Join plus Union in Alteryx)


A full join is accomplished by unioning all the results togetherA full join is accomplished by unioning all the results togetherIn the join - don't bring back both IDs - only one - that makes it easier laterIn the join - don't bring back both IDs - only one - that makes it easier laterUsing the union tool either in auto or manual mode gives you a unioned set with IDs fully completeUsing the union tool either in auto or manual mode gives you a unioned set with IDs fully complete



This then gives you the following output:



5 - Atom

Hi @SeanAdams,


I'm sorry for the late reply; I had to work on some urgent tasks.  Thank you so much for your detailed reply.


Yes, the above works for the "Join" tool, but choosing only one ID does not work for the "Join Multiple" tool.  Thus, I have to use a subsequent "Formula" tool to get the unified ID with the MAX() function.


MAX([ID1], [ID2], [ID3])


This works, but it would be tedious to do for many IDs, and it would be easier if there was just a coalesce function within the "Join Multiple" tool to do this.





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