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Allow Output Tool to also operate as a "pass thru"

Hi - 


We are using the new(ish) Anaplan connector tools; in particular, the "Anaplan Output" tool (send data TO Anaplan).


The issue that I'm having is that the Anaplan Output Tool only accepts a CSV file.  This means that I must run one workflow to create the CSV file, then another workflow to read the CSV file and feed the Anaplan Output Tool.


If it were possible to have an output anchor on the Output tool that would simply pass the CSV records through to the Anaplan Output tool, the workflows would be drastically simplified.



Mark Chappell

9 - Comet

Hi -


I ended up creating a macro with a Python tool to handle the streaming of CSV data.


However, after working with that a bit more, it turns out that I interpreted the Anaplan tool instructions incorrectly.  The Anaplan Output tool does, in fact, accept the output of standard tools, so the pass-thru/streaming of CSV data isn't actually needed.


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes