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Add another option for "data from connected tool" for drop down and list box

The drop down\list box have numerous ways to list values. One of them that I like is connecting to an external source. You simply have an external source file with a Name column and a Value column. It will display the data in the Name column and pass the data in the Value column. Now suppose instead of connecting to an external source I wanted to use connected tools. Currently, I would have to crosstab this data and the drop down\list box would display and pass the column names.


What if the drop down\list box could have an additional option added where you could connect tools and it would act identically as an external source (display the data in the Name column and pass the data in the Value column). This would be much easier and more functional!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you @KylieF - appreciate you looking after these boards!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar
I enthusiastically second this idea.
8 - Asteroid

I second this idea too. Another example for this is:


Weekly challenge 5 spoiler


Weekly challenge 5 is a great example of where this would have come handy. It took me a while to figure out why I wasn't getting the position numbers in the dropdown instead of the field name. When you have a lot of fields, a crosstab of the data doesn't seem like an efficient solution. However, that is how I had to solve weekly challenge 5.


7 - Meteor

I second this idea. 😄

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

I have to agree with this whole heartedly. I just finished a project with 650 fields that needed to be filtered. Obviously I didnt like the idea of having so many interface options, but it was an exercise that required a whole other workflow to accomplish this in a streamlined manner. It is a simple fix for both tools. Especially considering crosstab is a blocking tool.

8 - Asteroid

Yes agree with this idea! Hope it gets implemented soon!


5 - Atom

Agree! Attempting to solve this same issue. Turned out to be surprisingly more difficult than anticipated.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned