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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add ability to remove warnings



This is one thing that my OCD cannot cope with. 


Some tools, like the Union tool, allow you to 'Ignore warnings', like when fields are missing. 


Some other tools however don't give the option. Date time tool for instance. Sometimes I feel like yelling at Alteryx that "I know that field already exists! I want to change it!". Or the join tool, when you join on a double. 


I know that these warnings don't really affect anything, and they may be useful to highlight something that may be best to be changed, but pleeeeaaassee give us a tick box or something like the union tool where we can ignore warnings. It makes my workflow messy. 


(I'm on designer v 2021.1 btw, so if this has already been done, then please ignore my rant. 😁 )




Edit: What I'm talking about 
