Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add Blank Space to "Visual Layout" Tool

It would be nice if you could add blank space or separators between elements in the visual layout tool. 
I want some additional spacing between data tables/charts. 


Currently, my work around is adding a blank report text box. It is not the most streamlined solution, but works. 

5 - Atom

I cant believe this has one like. In the mastery blog for the visual layout tool, you can tell what Alteryx did - they filled their page up so the footers fit nicely on the bottom. 


We produce dynamic reports and are trying to use the visual layout tool - but it's impossible to get the company logo at the bottom of the page!! 


So one table with 50 rows and your logo is 3/4 of the way down. The next page is a bar chart? Well your logos are in the middle of the page. Its virtually impossible to build business-ready reports out of Alteryx unless you have pre-defined objects on the page. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes