It would be helpful to be able to embed a macro within my workflows so in the end I have one single file.
Similar to how Excel becomes a macro enabled file, it would be great if the actual macro could be contained in the workflow. As it stands now, the macro that I insert into a workflow is similar to a linked cell in MS Excel that points to another file. If the macro is moved the workflow becomes broken. I often work on a larger workflow that I save locally while developing. Once it's complete, I then save the workflow to a network drive and have to delete the macros and reinsert these. It also makes it challenging if I were to send a workflow to someone else... I will have to give them instructions on which macros to insert and where. Similar to a container, they could be minimized so to speak to their normal icon, and then expanded/opened if any edits were needed....then collapsed when done.
Thanks for the consideration.