Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Metadata loader for Azure HDInsight

Hi Alteryx team,


It would be great to have a loader for Azure HDInsight. I am aware that there is a loader available for HDFS but a lot of companies are migrating to HDInsight.


Thank you very much for considering this idea.



Jan Laznicka

変更されたステータス: Comments Requested

Hi @JanLaznicka ,


as far as I know, HDInsight is "just" several technologies set up to work together and fulfil the whole journey, not only one particular tasks. But from the data perspective, it's still "just" several technologies and we can only provide loader for each of them. There is the Hive loader and also the Azure SQL loader. What's missing in the ADLS Gen2 loader and that one should be coming soon. Is there any other loader you are missing to have all loaders you need in order to cover the whole HDInsight?


Giving it another ping, @JanLaznicka . If no additional information is provided, I will consider this idea as Implemented, since Connect already supports metadata loading of Azure SQL, ADLS Gen1/Gen2 and Hive.