Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Alias(es) mapping via SAML

Hi Alteryx,


Currently, it is only possible to map first name, last name and email via SAML. Would it be possible to enable mapping of aliases? The idea is, that we cannot map first name and last name with the Full Name field because they are not unique. At the moment, we are pushing email into both Full Name and Email fields, because emails are unique for us. In addition to this, it would be convenient if the Alias(es) field could be mapped via SAML as well. In this way, not only emails but also real names would be automatically present in Connect.


Thank you.




Status changed to: Comments Requested

Hi @JanLaznicka ,


this shouldn't be technically problem at all. Basically, such change is possible for any field. It just didn't occur to use that there would be  a use case to populate Alternate name for People. Do you think there could be any other field used in the same way? So we can  provide all of them at once. 🙂


9 - Comet

Hi @VojtechT,


Thanks for the feedback and good news. We discussed with @JanLaznicka and I think apart from the alias (containing the company people naming convention), it could also make sense for fields like department, role in the company or some company employee ID number. There might be some other use cases but I believe this will apply to most users.


Thanks a lot,
