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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Add a page for "submit ideas" that includes a link to each product's ideas page

I really like the new Community design and I think that splitting discussion by product is a fantastic way to direct users.

I would like one more page, that functions similarly to the designer/server/promote pages, which have links to discussion, knowledge base, and ideas.


Ideally, this page would have a link/button that would bring you to each of the ideas pages for the various products, so eg:

User clicks a "Idea Center" link.


Here there are 5 links:
Community Ideas
Connect Ideas

Designer Ideas

Server Ideas

Promote Ideas


Each of these links is basically identical to the ones that already exist today (maybe the icon changes to be a lightbulb and the image for that particular product?)

That way it is easy to navigate specifically to suggestions, which I think will be helpful for ease of access.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review



Thank you for your suggestion on improving the Alteryx Community. We will review this idea with the rest of the team. We are trying to make each section as accessible as possible and since each product is very different from each other, we decided to separate each Ideas section into each part of the platform. When Ideas are entered say for Designer, we always look at how that idea can be added or effect the rest of the platform. We also wanted to keep the amount of icons on the left hand side down to a minimum so that users don't have to click through or hover over a large amount.


Thanks again,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

We've since updated the navigation to be organized by interaction style. You can check out that Ideas page here. Thanks for the feedback!