Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Updating field length of fields in text input via interface tools

The problem

When building macros or apps which require a user to update a value in a text input tool via an interface tool, such as text input, the field length does not currently update. This can cause issues when developing things like API calls, where the value can become truncated.

The current workaround to to put a select tool after the text input and update the size of the field to accommodate potential input values.


Suggested solution

As part of the configuration window for the text input tool add a check box which allows a user to specify whether a field size should update based on an interface tool input.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @cgoodman3, Thank you for your feedback and idea - it makes a lot of sense! We’re currently working diligently to ensure all product ideas are reviewed and commented on by Alteryx when the necessary criteria are met.

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Just linking in a supporting idea which I've just commented on.


The issue here is when you are using text input tools inside of macros there is a possibility that the field type gets updated, despite (in the case of control parameters) the input data is a string data type. This then has an impact on tools downstream which in my case when you are making 1,000s of API calls you only find out about many hours later.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@cgoodman3 - I agree with you strongly about the idea of being able to better control the interfaces to a macro - both inbound and outbound.

That increases predictability and makes them more reliable and supportable over time.


I've not bumped into the specific challenge that you have - so glad that you raised it - that being said though, the overall theme is important and I feel your pain.


14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

@SeanAdams I've just tested this with a newer version to what I would have installed when originally posting the idea and it seems to have been fixed the issue of truncating the input 👍


The data input type on the linked one can be modified by forcing the data type using a select tool (if you know to do that).