Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Single data Connection Alias for Salesforce Input tool

Single point of maintenance for Salesforce Input tool connection to Salesforce


This prevents user maintenance every time their password (and token) changes which requires them to update every Tool with new credentials


Also logged as issue under Alteryx, Inc Case # 00252975: Connection to Salesforce Issue

7 - Meteor

Having to update password and security key for every connection in every workflow takes a full day to complete. We have to find something that will fix this as mentioned above. It is miserable.

7 - Meteor

I did run across this in a thread where @fpinchon shared a method of updating all SFDC credentials at once...

11 - Bolide

Please please please 🙂

7 - Meteor

Is there any update on this?

We are experiencing the same problem as described here:

Every time when opening the workflow, we need to reenter the credentials in the salesforce input tool. The workflow fails when scheduled because it somehow loses the information on the credentials.

It would be nice if there is an update 🙂





7 - Meteor

This is a problem for us as well. We have the Alteryx scheduler and we intend to get the Alteryx server come July. We cannot automate any job that has a Salesforce connector. 

Are there any workarounds for scheduling jobs like this?

6 - Meteoroid

Alteryx Server here as well and this is a tremendous impediment. We are trying to utilize multiple workflows with multiple connectors and this very much behaves like a proof of concept than something an enterprise can actually use.

7 - Meteor

Much needed functionality with the Salesforce input tool

5 - Atom

I agree this would be useful

5 - Atom

We have a server here as well and can't schedule the workflows dues to the saleforce input tools. The credentials limitation also makes collaborating on workflows almost impossible as we have to put our credentials in every tool every time a different user opens the workflow and some of them have 15-20 salesforce tables it's linking the tables data isn't saved, so it's like having to redo them every time. It's very time consuming. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted