Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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reverse engineering existing SQL code and transform it in alteryx widgets and workflows

Could you please assess the idea of reverse engineering existing SQL code (in special inside DataWarehouse's code, thousands of LOCs filled with SELECT and JOINS) and replace it with Alteryx widgets?

Doing this will accelerate penetration rate of Alteryx products in large companies and dismantle IBM Cognos and their cousins.

9 - Comet

I found something calles SILQ on Syncsort web site.

13 - Pulsar

It's a visionary idea indeed...

Probably there needs to be a parser just acts like NLP API's and

translate the SQL code to alteryx workflow xml file... Probably this is itself doable as an Alteryx workflow Robot Indifferent

9 - Comet

I found this commercial sql parser


Alteryx could purchase the rights to use that tool and incorporate it in current products.




11 - Bolide

Definately would be a game changer given a lot of big corporates have thousands of lines of legacy SQL code which is not documented. The business case for Alteryx could broaden to regulatory complaince which is easier to justify.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

We're not planning on implementing this, but thanks for the interesting idea!