Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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remove character limit from pre/post SQL statements in input tool

I use redshift which does not support stored procedures.

I want to use Alteryx scheduled workflows as stored procedures, in that I run a set of queries using the Pre SQL statement of an input tool, and do simple counts in the actual Input tool query for error handling and notification (linked to Slack api using download tool)


There is a Pre SQL statement character limit in the GUI, preventing me from running the whole set of queries.


I got around this by putting the set of Sql queries in a formula tool and then feeding that into a macro that uses a control parameter and action tool to update the presql of an input tool.


Please remove the character limit in the input tool configuration GUI. Not sure why there is one?



7 - Meteor

Completely agree- I don't appear to have any restrictions on the length of a SQL statement in the main query but a pretty restrictive limit on the pre-SQL. Please remove this or substantially increase it-


Thank you!

5 - Atom
what is the limit set at now?
7 - Meteor

I'm honestly not certain but I had a pretty sizable pre-SQL statement that works in a Tableau report, but which was too large for Alteryx. Since it works in Tableau, makes me think it's feasible to have it work in Alteryx as well--


Thank you

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thank you for your idea!


We're currently working to include this idea in an upcoming release and will update this idea again once it's available!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your idea! This feature has been implemented in the latest release, 2020.1, which you can download here! Also check out the release notes for this version here!

7 - Meteor

That's wonderful news!! Thank you