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After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
It would be nice to instead of scheduling a workflow at a certain time, just schedule workflows to run after the current workflow is done.
So what it would be is instead of running workflow B at 6:00 AM every morning, you could run workflow B when workflow A finishes running so that you would know that if there was anything happening in workflow A that workflow B relied on, everything would finish in the correct order.
I think that it would be nice to be able to append a Time Stamp to the name of a file in the OUTPUT Tool, as a Mainframe Programmer I could append a time stamp to file names this is helpful when doing batch jobs that are scduled on a server.
I would love to be able to double-click on an input or output file and have the file open. Second to that would be a clickable hyperlink to the filepath that could be used to open the file, or a "go to" button or something. Anything would be better than my current process of copying and pasting the filepath into an explorer window.
In the summary tool, we often use the summary tool to concatenate strings - we love this functionality.
However, we would also like to be able to concatenate just the unique values of strings. This could be done if we ran the preceding text field through the unique tool first, and then concatenate. But when we are doing this for multiple text variables and when we need to summarize other types of data at the same time, this becomes a very un-natural combination of joins & macros.
Thanks for considering,
Create a tool that allows user to create calculated fields for Tableau to output along with a .tde so they are available when openning the tde.
There are several situations where precalculated materialized data will visualize inaccurately in Tableau and calcualted fields need to be used.
I think it would be nice to have the possibility to select which fields will output fo the distance tool.
When calculating distances for between large dataset, I do not always want my to 2 set of points has par of the output and would like to drop them directly in the tool.
Thank you
XGboost regression is now the benchmark for every Kaggle competition and seems to consistently outperform random forest, spline regression, and all of the more basic models. For those of us using predictive modeling on a regular basis in our actual work, this tool would allow for a quick improvement in our model accuracy. And I think, from a marketing standpoint, having a core group of users competing in Kaggle using Alteryx would be a great way to show off Alteryx's power.
It is readily available as an R package:
I think we would all benefit from having IntelliSense within Alteryx. Just think about how much quicker writing formulas wold be or any time you need to reference your data within the various tools.
I've had the need to Find & Replace inside of a formula that I've written. Would it be possible to have that type of functionality inside of the expression builder?
Does anyone else think that it would be useful?
When editing larger workflows, the "Find Tool" window is often a great help in terms of locating tools. However, having to close this window in order to make edits to the workflow is a bit inconvenient, especially when changing the sort method or using the search function. It would be great if users were allowed to edit the workflows and tools while still keeping this window open and maintaining the current settings.
It would be useful when building apps to be able to put interface tools in containers and disable them. This would allow an app developer to show users multiple ways of having the app styled without having to have multiple app versions saved.
I think there should be the ability to turn on and off the “Browse Everywhere” function. I have found that my temp drive is filling up faster than it did before this most recent addition and, while I think Browse Everywhere is fantastic for QA, I don’t necessarily need it working in every workflow I run.
It would be extremely useful if most Alteryx tools had the option to output error records seaparetly. This functionality is already present in most other ETL packages, even freeware ones like Pentaho - Kettle. From its wiki:
Step error handling allows you to configure a step so that instead of halting a transformation when an error occurs, the rows that caused an error are passed to a different step.
Would be nice if Alteryx had the ability to run a Teradata stored procedure and/or macro with a the ability to accept input parameters. Appears this ability exists for MS SQL Server. Seems odd that I can issue a SQL statement to the database via a pre or post processing command on an input or output, but can't call a stored procedure or execute a macro. Only way we can seem to call a stored procedure is by creating a Teradata BTEQ script and using the Run Command tool to execute that script. Works, but a bit messy and doesn't quite fit the no-coding them of Alteryx.
Hi all,
I was wondering if any of you have achieved "Transaction rollback" type of feature in alteryx.
Following is the usecase:
If a workflow that writes data into multiple outputs (could be relational tables / files) is failed half way through in writing to one of the outputs, is there an option to rollback the partially loaded data & reset the process to the original state (i.e., before the execution of the workflow)? (OR) does this needs to be done programatically?
There is a workflow level property - "Cancel Running Workflow on Error". This stops the execution but doesn't perform rollback.
When giving a user a dropdown list, it is difficult to give them an option of the data in a specific column. So if I have a "State" column, I would like to give the user a dropdown of all of the states currently represented in the table. So if there was "Nebraska, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota", the dropdown list would give them an option to select Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and South Dakota. This could be useful on both List boxes and Dropdown lists. Currently there is a workaround that lets you do it, but it is not a great solution because if there is a space (Like in South Dakota), it puts an underscore in it so parsing is required.
Would be nice to select a bunch of consecutive fields, and cut them and paste them to a different area. Currently, the only options are to Move to Top or Move to Bottom. If you want to move somewhere in between, you have to scroll through the whole list.
Pre-v10, I could set a default tool for each tool palatte. For example, for the Summarize tool pallate, I could make the Summarize tool the default (that already was the default, but you get the point). I could then simply drag the tool palatte icon onto the canvas and the Summarize tool would be there. Now, I have to navigate to the tool pallate and drag my tool on the canvas. Yes, I know I could add it to my favorites, but screen real estate goes quickly after adding just a few favorites to the already defaulted favorites. It would've been nice if this functionality wasn't removed with v10.
I think it would be extremely helpful to have an in-DB Detour so that you could filter a user's information without having to pull it out of DB and then put it back in for more processing. A time where this would be useful is if you have a large dataset and don't want to pull the entire dataset out of the DB because it will take a long time to pull it. This would be applicable for filtering a large dataset by a specific state chosen by the user or possibly a region. The Detour in the developer tools actually seems like it would do the job necessary, it just needs to connect to the In-DB tools.
The excel driver (.xlsx) converts these values to 0. If you use the legacy excel driver (.xlsx) it brings in the #N/A values. This issue was reported in the community and I am forwarding it to the New Idea as a problem that needs to be addressed on behalf of @JohnDoe.