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After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
We have 'CountDistinct' and 'Concatenate' options within Summarize tool.
But 'Concatenate' displays all the instances of value for a Grouped field, this might include lot of duplicates.
It would be great to have an option like 'ConcatDistinct'.
For example -
Group by 'Branch' and 'ConcatDistinct' Customer should result as Figure 1 instead of Figure 2 -
Figure 1-
Figure 2-
While this is achievable in different ways currently with a set of tools, but it gets tedious when number of fields is large from which distinct values are to be captured.
Thank you,
I propose another wildcard, %ErrorLog%, that would simply output the error codes and narratives instead of having to use the %OutputLog% to see these. I'd rather not have a 4 MB text email depicting every line of code and action in the module when all I really need to see are the errors.
A common problem with the R tool is that it outputs "False Errors" like the following: "The R.exe exit code (4294967295) indicted an error"
I call this a false error because data passes out of the R script the same as if there were no error. As such, this error can generally be ignored. In my use case, however, my R tool is embedded within an iterative macro, and the error causes the iterator to stop running.
I was able to create a workaround by moving the R tool to a separate workflow and calling it from the CReW runner macro within my iterator, effectively suppressing the error message, but this solution is a bit clumsy, requires unnecessary read/writes, and uses nonstandard macros.
I propose the solution suggested by @mbarone ( to only generate an error when the R return code is 1, indicating a true error, and to either ignore these false errors or pass them as warnings. This will allow R scripts and R-based tools to be embedded within iterative macros without breaking.
The introduction fo a rank tool would be hugely beneficial. Whilst there are currently means to rank using a combination of other tools formula/running total/multirow etc... a specific "Rank Tool" would be provide a seemless and smoother way to rank your data either for further analysis or purely to output this field.
This tool should include a sort by and group by functionaility as well as options for ranking (such as dense ranking or unique ranking) and in addition multi levels of ranking (ie. Rank by "Field A" Then By "Field B" etc...).
Statistics are tools used by a lot of DB to improve speed of queries (Hive, Vertica, etc...). It may be interesting to have an option on the write in db or data stream in to calculate the statistics. (something like a check box for )
Example on Hive : analyse {table} comute statistics; analyse {table} compute statistics for columns;
Hello --
Many times, I want to summarize data by grouping it, but to really reduce the number of rows, some data needs to be concatenated.
The problem is that some data that is group is repeated and concatenating the data will double, triple, or give a large field of concatenated data.
As an example:
Name State
A | New York |
A | New York |
A | New Jersey |
B | Florida |
B | Florida |
B | Florida |
The above, if we concatenate by State would look like:
A | New York, New York, New Jersey |
B | Florida, Florida, Florida |
What I propose is a new option called Concatenate Unique so I would get:
A | New York, New Jersey |
B | Florida |
This would prevent us from having to use a Regex formula to make the column unique.
Would like to direclty query Hyperion Cube / Essbase data source directly - please propose functionality in next release or add a user macro to the gallery. Thanks -cb
version 2021.4 does not allow workflows to run if any of their input files are open.... would be great to have an option for the input tool that switches on/off the ability to read from open files. Some of my input files have frequent data changes and i tend to keep them open while testing/simulating results
Thank you,
When writing a good amount of code, it is easy to get lost in a sea of parentheses. Just when you think you're all done, you get an error that can force you to scour through your code to find the missing, extra, or misplaced parenthesis.
A common feature today is to highlight a parenthesis when its partner is clicked on. This instantly lets you know if you have the wrong number of them and where.
I didn't think this was that important early on in Alteryx, at least for me. Formulas were meant to be short and easily readable at a glance. Now as I dig deeper, there's R, Python, SQL and other text-heavy inputs.
I don't need a full-fledged text editor in Alteryx, but I would love some quality of life features like parentheses matching.
Alteryx has the ability to connect to data sources using fat clients and ODBC but not JDBC. If the ability to use JDBC could be added to the product it could remove the need to install fat clients.
Please include IBM DB2 as an in-Database option. Currently, my primary use of Alteryx is for copying DB2 tables into Teradata for use on that server. Copying large tables and particularly joining several tables and copying the results to Teradata is too slow in Alteryx.
Who needs a 1073741823 sized string anyways? No one, or close enough to no one. But, if you are creating some fancy new properties in the formula tool and just cranking along and then you see that your **bleep** data stream is 9G for nine rows of data you find yourself wondering what the hell is going on. And then, you walk your way way down the workflow for a while finding slots where the default 1073741823 value got set, changing them to non-insane sized strings, and the your data flow is more like 64kb and your workflow runs in 3 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Please set the default value for formula tools to a non-insane value that won't be changed by default by 99.99999% of use cases. Thank you.
I am currently using alteryx to generate pdf reports and noticed there is no option to have multiple row headers. In my line of work i cant skip this as the end users insist on having it like they have always had it.
I definitely think this should be available as many of us like replicate canned reports which are otherwise in excel and hence see the need for such an option.
The following might give an example of the multi row header,
Also the ability to merge certain columns to create the above effect should be available.
I noticed through the ODBC driver log that Alteryx doesn't care about the kind of base I precise. It tests every single kind of base to find the good one and THEN applies the queries to get the metadata info.
Here an example. I have chosen an Hive in db connection. If I read the simba logs, i can find those lines :
Mar 01 11:37:21.318 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select USER(), APPLICATION_ID() from system.iota Mar 01 11:37:22.863 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select USER as USER_NAME from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 Mar 01 11:37:23.454 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select * from rdb$relations Mar 01 11:37:23.546 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select first 1 dbinfo('version', 'full') from systables Mar 01 11:37:23.707 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select #01/01/01# as AccessDate Mar 01 11:37:23.868 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: exec sp_server_info 1 Mar 01 11:37:24.093 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select top (0) * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEXES Mar 01 11:37:24.219 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('edition') Mar 01 11:37:24.423 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select DATABASE() as `database`, VERSION() as `version` Mar 01 11:37:24.635 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select * from sys.V_$VERSION at where RowNum<2 Mar 01 11:37:25.230 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select cast(version() as char(10)), (select 1 from pg_catalog.pg_class) as t Mar 01 11:37:25.415 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select NAME from sqlite_master Mar 01 11:37:25.756 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select xp_msver('CompanyName') Mar 01 11:37:26.156 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select @@version Mar 01 11:37:26.376 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: select * from dbc.dbcinfo Mar 01 11:37:26.522 INFO 5264 HardyDataEngine::Prepare: Incoming SQL: SELECT @@VERSION;
I can understand that when Alteryx doesn't know the kind of base he tries everything.. (eg : in memory visual query builder) but here, I have selected the Hive database and I have to loose more than 5 seconds for nothing.
I'm not finding it anywhere as a current option, but my company uses branded PowerPoint slides using our logo, these slides are in 16.:9 (widescreen) for slide size, but Alteryx won't output to that size even if I choose custom for page size & have Widescreen selected as an option. Could there be an Advanced Options button added that would allow users more output choices, like choosing the 16:9 ratio size output? Without it, I'm having to output the largest map I can create (13 x 9.75 in Report Map tool) and then stretch/shrink to get it to fit the 16:9 slide...for every single map/slide (currently making 40 maps at once).
Is there a work around to accomplish my goal currently? And if not, could the option be added to the Render tool? Thank you!
It would be useful to have the WorkflowName captured as one of the default Engine constants. The WorkflowDirectory is included so why not the WorkflowName as well?
I often have to use configuration files to pass in values to workflows meaning the workflow name needs to be manually entered into the workflow, either as a text input or User Constant, which feels like an unnecessary step as Alteryx must know the name of the workflow once it has been saved.
My organization use the SharePoint Files Input and SharePoint Files Output (v2.1.0) and connect with the Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID. After a workflow is saved and scheduled on the server users receive the error "Failed to connect to SharePoint AADSTS700082: The refresh token has expired due to inactivity" every 90 days. My organization is not able to extend the 90 day limit or create non-expiring tokens.
If would be great if the SharePoint connectors could automatically refresh the token when it expires so users don't have to open the workflow and do it manually.
The Formula Tool does a good job of autocompleting expressions (for example an open square bracket will show you variables in your dataset), as well as syntax highlighting (coloring variables, keywords, strings, etc).
I propose having this feature available in all tools that use the expression editor, particularly common ones such as the Multi-Row Formula Tool and the Multi-Field Formula Tool.
This parity across tools would provide a more consistent experience for the user and increase one's productivity using these tools. It's incredibly helpful for beginners and seasoned Alteryx users alike and should be available wherever possible.
As per a recent discussion (, please add the GeoPackage datatype to the Input tool.
For reference, the open-source project ogr2ogr has this functionality. (
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