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After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
Hello all,
Sometimes, when you have too much time to retrieve your tables metadas, you can have this message
Initialization Timed Out: Workflow must be run for field meta info to be accurate.
From what I understand, it's Alteryx and the source system that drives the time out value. However, I have some cases where the long time is "normal" and that really hurts the user experience.
So, I would like the ability in settings to change the default value.
Best regards,
Hello all,
As you all know, you can use API with the Alteryx Download tool. However, this tool is not that easy to configure.
On the other hand, the API world use a lot tools such as Postman or Bruno (an open source clone) which allows easy test, debug... I use it everytime I had to work on a rest API and then I try to translate it to the final tool (such as the Alteryx Download tool). Both tools offer "collection", a set of request, and also environment configuration. Here are some examples on the project I'm working on :
And you can even get some code
I would like to leverage those collections in my download tool configuration, that would be quite easier to use !
Best regards,
The Find Replace tool has a checkbox to do a case insensitive find. It would be fabulous if the Join and Join Multiple tools had a similar checkbox.
I frequently have to create a new field in each data stream, convert the data I want to join on to upper case, perform the join and remove the extra "helper" fields. Using the helper field is needed in my case in order to preserve unique capitalization (i.e., acronyms within the string, etc.).
This is a QoL-request, and I love me some QoL-updates!
While I'm developing I often need the output of a workflow as input for the next phase of my development. For example: an API run returns job location, status, and authentication ids. I want to use these in a new workflow to start experimenting what'll work best. Because of the experimenting part, I always do this in a new workflow and not cache and continue in my main flow.
Writing a temporary output file always feels like unnescesary steps, and tbh I don't want to write a file for a step that'll be gone before it reaches production. Esp if there is sensitive information in it.
In the Input tool, I rely heavily on the recent connection history list. As soon as a file falls off of this list, it takes me a while to recall where it's saved and navigate to the file I'm wanting to use. It would be great to have a feature that would allow users to set their favorite connections/files so that they remain at the top of the connection history list for easy access.
Hello all,
As specified in the title, this idea is to distinguish between Append Prefix/Suffix to File and to Table on the Output Data Tool.
For most files (csv...), the table name does not really exist. However, for at least Excel files, if you choose this option, the result will be one sheet by suffix and the only option to have one file by suffix will be to change entire file path.
Best regards,
When making any type of macro, it's important to test the functionality of the macro via a debug. This is accomplished successfully with normal tools, however there's a bug that will not allow the user to debug In-DB macros that use either of the following standard Alteryx tools:
If either of these tools are included in the macro you are building, an error message will appear not allowing you to open a debug.
Error message: Question Tool Load Error: A question tool with a tool id of XXX is missing the associated question data.
Of course, Macro input and output tools do not require any specific action/question tool associated with it. This is a bug. A user pointed out the XML issue almost 3 years ago here:
In summary: "It appears that the tool itself inserts a hidden Question attribute into the XML which can also be seen in Workflow Configuration"
A normal macro, using standard tools:
After debugging a standard macro, the Macro Input/Output tools correctly change to a Text Input and a Browse tool. This allows the macro author to test the macro.
However, when trying the same thing with In-DB tools in a macro, an error message appears:
In-DB macro 1:
In-DB Macro error message (after clicking "Open Debug"):
As per a recent discussion (, please add the GeoPackage datatype to the Input tool.
For reference, the open-source project ogr2ogr has this functionality. (
I would like to propose three feature enhancements for the Cross Tab tool under the Transform tool category.
1. Bringing Concat Unique functionality, which is an idea that is currently in Coming Soon status.
2. Adding Start and End in addition to Separator, similar to the Concatenate Properties found in the Summarize tool.
3. Changing the Default Size from 2048 to 1073741823 (max V_WString size). It is common for especially new users to ignore the truncation errors and potentially miss important data that may need to be processed downstream.
The "Manage Data Connections" tool is fantastic to save credentials alongside the connection without having to worry when you save the workflow that you've embedded a password.
Imagine if - there were a similar utility to handle credentials/environment variables.
Example Entry Tableau:
Alias | Tableau Prod |
Description | Tableau Production Server |
UserID | JPhillips |
Password | ********* |
+ |
Then when configuring a tool you could put in something like [Tableau Prod].[Password] and it would read in the value.
Or maybe for Sharepoint:
Alias | TeamSP |
Description | Team sharepoint location |
UserID | JPhillips |
Password | ********* |
URL | |
+ |
Or perhaps for a team file location:
Alias | TeamFiles |
Description | Root directory for team files |
Path | \\\myteam\filesgohere |
+ |
Any of these values could be referenced in tool configurations, formulas, macro inputs by specifying the Alias and field.
The basic premise is this:
Phantom spacing. Basically something that looks like it has spaces on Excel but is actually formatted as an indentation.
Unfortunately, to read the indentation we will need either a VBA prep or read the XML inside. The latter of which is difficult.
As to VBA, the general steps are to create an indentation formula in order to see the numbers, then go from there. The idea is credited to @clmc9601 as we discussed privately.
As of now, I do not see anyway to do this on Alteryx as a function or even expression. It would be very helpful especially reading trial balances or even Bloomberg outputs as they are formatted with indentation.
Reading indentation from Excel or any other file within Alteryx will be much appreciated, especially in actuarial and finance spaces.
Hello all,
The reasons why I would the cadence to be back to quarter release :
-for customers, a quarter cadence means waiting less time to profit of the Alteryx new features so more value
-quarter cadence is now an industry standard on data software.
-the new situation of special cadence creates a lot of frustration. And frustration is pretty bad in business.
-for partners, the new situation means less customer upgrade opportunities, so less cash but also less contacts with customers.
Best regards,
Can a function be added to the Text-to-Column tool that allows selecting "split on entire entry" or "split on entry-as-a-whole" for the delimiters field?
Currently if we type vs. in the delimiters field, it'll look for each character separately including spaces.
The recommendation in the tool help is to use RegEx for splitting on whole words, but for some, RegEx is quite intimidating and adding this function would be a big help for new users.
Proposed Change:
2 Radio Buttons added to the Text-to-Column tool
Example of function:
Thank you!
The Sharepoint file tools are certainly a step in the right direction, but it would be great to enhance the files types that it is possible to write to sharepoint from Alteryx.
The format missing that I think is probably most in demand is pdf. If we're using the Alteryx reporting suite to create PDF reports, it would be awesome to have an easy way to output these to Sharepoint.
in our organization people are moving away from network drives to BOX for file repository and they needs to use to connect to BOX using Alteryx as an Input and Output platform where they should be able to access files to read and write.
Currently few of the users are able to use the BOX as a repository using BOX Sync tool (Map BOX as a network drive) but that is not at all useful when they try to save into a gallery and run or schedule on the gallery. A connector for BOX will be of great help.
I think I'm liking the new UI, but I think it's necessary to bring back save, undo and re-do buttons....
1. Frequent saving of workflows is crucial and not everyone uses keyboard shortcuts
2. The ability to undo (lots) of changes is a key part of iterating and rapidly building workflows in Alteryx and again not everyone uses keyboard shortcuts to do this.
Looks like there's potentially space to add this to the right of 'help' (I suspect this might be technically quiet difficult) or to the left of 'run', 'schedule' and 'active documents' as seen in the image below.
Out of interest, where has the 'documents' terminology come from?
Hello all,
As you may know, Alteryx use the Active Query Builder component. However this component itself evolves with cool new features :
You can also try the online demo
Best regards,
Hello all,
Here the issue : when you have a lot of tables, the Visual Query Builder can be very slow. On my Hive Database, with hundreds of tables, I have the result after 15 minutes and most of the time, it crashes, which is clearly unusable.
I can change the default interface in the Visual Query Builder tool but for changing this setting, I need to load all the tables in the VQB tool.
I would like to set that in User Settings to set it BEFORE opening the Visual Query Builder.
Best regards,
Currently the only way to do IF / FOR / WHILE loop is either in Formula tool or via iterative/batch macro.
Instead, it will be hugely useful and a lot more intuitive if there is the ability to build the FOR / WHILE logic embedded in a container (similar to LabVIEW interface
Advantages include:
- Increased readability. (not having to go into a macro!)
- Increased agility. (more power/ features can be added or modified on the go for something that is more than a Formula tool but not too much interface like a Macro App)
- More intuitive
Hello all,
In help, we can read that :
Update/Delete is currently only supported for SQL Server ODBC connections.
I don't know about you but SQL Server is well used in transactional workload but in analytics... well... I have only used once in several dozens of context !
Maybe it would be cool to make it work on many more database?
Best regards,
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