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Case Insensitive Joins

The Find Replace tool has a checkbox to do a case insensitive find. It would be fabulous if the Join and Join Multiple tools had a similar checkbox.


I frequently have to create a new field in each data stream, convert the data I want to join on to upper case, perform the join and remove the extra "helper" fields. Using the helper field is needed in my case in order to preserve unique capitalization (i.e., acronyms within the string, etc.). 

9 - Comet

I agree, would be a quality of life improvement.

9 - Comet

I agree. And I would like to add another feature which would help: Do whitespace-independent joins, ignoring all white space (\n, \r, \t, \r).

8 - Asteroid

It was suggested on 2017, and Alteryx team tagged it as "coming soon" in 2017. here


7 years and counting, maybe we can get this feature after another 70 years. 😜