Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hello Team,


When we do run and cache workflow it remain in the cache memory for only the time the Alteryx designer or that workflow is open.


Advantage: We dont need to wait for the data to load in input data tool and the result is validated properly.


Disadvantage: Loss of time and money when the Alteryx Designer is closed automatically or mistaken.




Can we provide a token Expiry for 12 to 24 hrs so the precious time and money is not wasted.

This will be very useful when we are working on billions of Data.


Currently when using the formula tool, you can create a string using the two following methods:


With speech marks, or an apostrophe being used respectively.


I would expect both of these methods to behave the exact same way, however what is interesting is that if you type within the apostrophes anything that would prompt a formula, this is still prompted:


This is not the case within the speech marks:


This can cause mistakes with autocompletion when typing within the field. I propose a small QoL change that the formula tool will recognise a string is being written when within two apostrophes. I believe the logic is already built for that, given that it behaves in every other way the same, and highlights green too. 




Data Cleansing Tool:   There should be a sub-category on the "Punctuation" cleansing.  Ideally to have an option to "Include Only" or conversely "Exclude these characters" which would allow you for example to remove all characters except   "." from a dollar formatted field .  There are times when you need to clean almost everything except a certain punctuation or not. 


More and more databases have complex data types such as array, struct or map. This would be nice if we could use it on Alteryx as input, as internal and as output, with calculations available on it.


Best regards,



By default output always print Headers as shown in item 1 below, I am looking to print item 2 as Header.  Item 3 is my output.


I tried item 4 below, doesn’t work.


Please consider this in your future releases.  It saves lot of time as the Outputs can contain hundreds of fields and output files are shared with User community who understands the Field description much more than Field name.  For example SAP Field-KUNNR does not mean nothing to a User than its description 'Customer'.

A check box on the Output Tool should able to toggle the selection between Field or its Description.

You might argue that the Rename column can be used, agree it would be difficult to manually type in hundreds of fields.  As an alternative you can provide automatic Rename population with Description.



My issue is very easy to solve. I want to use the generic ODBC in memo for a specific base (monetdb here but it isn't important).

I try to ouput a flow in a MonetDB SQL database. As you can see, I only take very simple field types





However I get this error message :

Error: Output Data (3): Error creating table "exemplecomparetable.toto": [MonetDB][ODBC Driver 11.44.0][MONETDB_SAU]Type (datetime) unknown in: "create  table "exemplecomparetable"."toto" ("ID" int,"Libellé" char(50),"Date d"
syntax error in: ""Prix""
CREATE  TABLE "exemplecomparetable"."toto" ("ID" int,"Libellé" char(50),"Date de Maj" datetime,"Prix" float,"PMP" float)

Reminder : SQL is an ISO Norm. Default type should follow it, not the MS SQL configuration. Interoperability is key

Links to : for in-db

Issues constated : MonetDB


Best regards,


It'll be great to have different icons whether Designer is executed Elevated or not, so it's easy to identify the instance you need to work with.





I test the  10% percentile for {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, whch alteryx gives 1.8, while it should be 1.
According the help, it should return the value of the target row, which shall not result any decimal in this case.


This is Ganesh from Guidelines. 


One of the task in my process is to convert the Pdf to excel sheet for all content. 


Pdf content will all depend upon the number details available. 


Pdf contain table format detail. 


We would like see all the pages of pdf should be in excel sheet with proper format including Table provided in pdf.  

I tried multiple ways but unable to find easiest way of handing the auto fit the all the column in final output. If we have already could you please help me with the solution. 


if not - can we create one additional tool which auto fit and align the data type accordingly. 


2 issue is about post I bifurcate the excel sheet data with multiple workbook data type doesn't show proper. for example Main file contain string and numeric value. post the bifurcate all the number still shows string value only due to every cell has green tick mark. 

Need an option in the output tool(Delete and append option is selected) so that if some error occur while writing into the table. workflow would automatically gets back to original record count. Right now if the workflow fails we are seeing zero records in the output table.



Sometimes when your using a filter you want to let everything pass through. Which means you have to remove the filter or go around it.

In stead of beeing able to out comment your filter. And the filter tool see's that as no filter.





I'm really missing a search in the medata phane?

If I am on data phane:


If im browsing though metadata:



In a toold like select it would be nice to place curser in Field - and type the first letter of the fields you want to browse through.:
By pressing F here I would just across fields that starts with F.

Sometimes you want to preserve the field order from the sorce, and if you have many fields it takes a while.


Or beeing able to filter - just like in excel:




Same goes for formula box:


Beeing able to click D as an example and click though coloumns starting with D.


Note: This idea doesn't strictly fit into any given category as it involves enabling support for something that affects numerous aspects of Alteryx's already existing spatial features.


I live in Australia. As do a large number of your users. Like me, many of those users use Alteryx to process spatial data. There is only one problem; we live on a roving continent. Every year our continent shifts ever so slightly but over time that shift becomes significant. For this reason we have our own continental system of spatial coordinate projections. It's called the Geocentric Datum of Australia or GDA.


Since 2000, the official Australian geodetic datum has been GDA94.  However, according to the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM), because the coordinates of features on our maps, such as roads, buildings and property boundaries (and so on), are all based on GDA94, they do not change over time. This is why they have since adopted a new datum: GDA2020. This has now become the standard for mapping in Australia, bringing Australia’s national coordinates into line with global satellite positioning systems.


A more detailed explanation of this can be found on the ICSM's website: What is changing and why? | Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (


Of course Alteryx supports the more global WGS84 standard, which like GDA94 is a fixed datum. But there is up to a 1.8 metre discrepancy between GDA94 (and WGS84) and GDA2020. For spatial analysis projects that don't require metre accuracy that's not a problem. But imagine you are building a bridge, plotting the lanes of a road or programming a GPS enabled tractor. That 1.8 metre discrepancy between the real world coordinates and the projection is enough to cause problems. 


And it is. Which is why we request that Alteryx include support for GDA2020 in its existing selection of spatial projections.


This will enable spatial datasets configured in GDA2020 to not require conversion and thus risk corruption or error. This includes providing the ability to configure GDA2020 as the spatial projection in the input tool and all spatial tools.


Doing so would go a long way to supporting your ever growing Australian user base and maintaining Alteryx's position as a trusted software for processing spatial data.

When working with .flat files, the actual Data file selection (Option #5) is a text input field.

Can we have a File Selection control here?

I think it's going to be easier than writing the whole path for a file.







Hi all,


Currently, only the Sharepoint list tool (deprecated) is working with DCM, it would be amazing to add the Sharepoint files input/output to also work with DCM.



Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino

There is an extensive need from customers to be able to create emails but not send them (right away at least).

I'm in the banking sector and I have been seeing many banks using Alteryx and Alteryx server in their routines. Also, when it comes to sending automatic e-mails in this sector, its very risky. We need a "four eyes check" when dealing with clients information. Currently there is no workaround that could be applied to e-mail tool when used in Alteryx server as well.

My idea is to simply create a button "Save in draft" in e-mail tool to create an .eml format as output. This .eml can be read by outlook and thus, it creates a draft.

This also should be taken into account when dealing with drafts in alteryx server, so that any user can run the workflow and get the desired draft.



For in-DB use, please provide a Data Cleansing Tool.







The BigQuery Input Tool utilizes the TableData.List JSON API method to pull data from Google Big Query. Per Google here:


  • You cannot use the TableDataList JSON API method to retrieve data from a view. For more information, see Tabledata: list.


This is not a current supported functionality of the tool. You can post this on our product ideas page to see if it can be implemented in future product. For now, I would recommend pulling the data from the original table itself in BigQuery. 


I need to be able query tables and views.  Not sure I know how to use tableDataList JSON API.

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