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I dont know if it is asking too much, but here it is 😅


A lot of times when i develop Analytic Apps for business users, they ask me if they can run the app locally without Alteryx Designer installed. For business users it seems to make sense that the developer need to have Alteryx Designer licensed and installed, but also that after the app is developed, it would make sense and be great to be able to be able to run it without Alteryx Designer installed. And i agree with them!


I know that using the Server is the way to go in these situations, but not every company has this possibility. So, the idea is to have some non paid way to let business users from a company that already have Alteryx Designer licenses to be able to run just Analytic Apps locally, without Alteryx Designer installed on their local machines/and if the company does not have Alteryx Server yet.


Here are some previous discussions corroborating with this doubt/necessity:



While I was trying to integrate Alteryx workflows into modern data catalogues got me thinking about the transformation lineage. To integrate the transformations into those applications, an understanding of what transformations are happening and in what order is needed. Why not take this one step further for documentation use?


So my suggestion is:

Create a natural language description of the transformations and sequencing of a workflow. This could be used as the default descriptions and exported as a readme file for reviewing (e.g. during workflow handover activities), adding workflows to version control or project plans. 

Alteryx hosting CRAN


Installing R packages in Alteryx has been a tricky issue with many posts over the years and it fundamentally boils down to the way the install.packages() function is used; I've made a detailed post on the subject. There is a way that Alteryx can help remedy the compatibility challenge between their updates of Predictive Tools and the ever-changing landscape that is open-source development. That way is for Alteryx to host their own CRAN!


The current version of Alteryx runs R 4.1.3, which is considered an 'old release', and there are over 18,000 packages on CRAN for this version of R. By the time you read this post, there is likely a newer version of one of these packages that the package author has submitted to the R Foundation's CRAN. There is also a good chance that package isn't compatible with any Alteryx tool that uses R. What if you need that package for a macro you've downloaded? How do you get the old version, the one that is compatible? This is where Alteryx hosting CRAN comes into full fruition.


Alteryx can host their own CRAN, one that is not updated by one of many package authors throughout its history, and the packages will remain unchanged and compatible with the version of Predictive Tools that is released. All we need to do as Alteryx users is direct install.packages() to the Alteryx CRAN to get our new packages, like so,



install.packages(pkg_name, repo = "")




There is a R package to create a CRAN directory, so Alteryx can get R to do the legwork for them. Here is a way of using the miniCRAN package,



path2CRAN <- "/local/path/to/CRAN"
ver <- paste(R.version$major, strsplit(R.version$minor, "\\.")[[1]][1], sep = ".") # ver = 4.1
repo <- "" # R Foundation's CRAN
m <- available.packages() # a matrix of all packages and their meta data from repo
pkgs4CRAN <- m[,"Package"] # character vector of all packages from repo
makeRepo(pkgs = pkgs4CRAN, path = path2CRAN, type = c("win.binary", "source"), repos = repo) # makes the local repo
write_PACKAGES(paste(path2CRAN, "bin/windows/contrib", ver, sep = "/"), type = "win.binary") # creates the PACKAGES file for package binaries
write_PACKAGES(paste(path2CRAN, "src/contrib", sep = "/"), type = "source") # creates the PACKAGES files for package sources



It will create a directory structure that replicates R Foundation's CRAN, but just for the version that Alteryx uses, 4.1/. 


Alteryx can create the CRAN, host it to somewhere meaningful (like, update Predictive Tools to use the packages downloaded with the script above and then release the new version of Predictive Tools and announce the CRAN. Users like me and you just need to tell the R Tool (for example) to install from the Alteryx repo rather than any others, which may have package dependency conflicts.


This is future-proof too. Let's say Alteryx decide to release a new version of Designer and Predictive Tools based on R 4.2.2. What do they do? Download R 4.2.2, run the above script, it'll create a new directory called 4.2/, update Predictive Tools to work with R 4.2.2 and the packages in their CRAN, host the 4.2/ directory to their CRAN and then release the new version of Designer and Predictive Tools.



Currently there is a function in Alteryx called FindString() that finds the first occurrence of your target in a string. However, sometimes we want to find the nth occurrence of our target in a string. 


FindString("Hello World", "o")  returns 4 as the 0-indexed count of characters until the first "o" in the string. But what if we want to find the location of the second "o" in the text? This gets messy with nested find statements and unworkable beyond looking for the second or third instance of something. 


I would like a function added such that 


FindNth("Hello World", "o", 2) Would return 7 as the 0-indexed count of characters until the second instance of "o" in my string. 

Currently the only way to do IF / FOR / WHILE loop is either in Formula tool or via iterative/batch macro.

Instead, it will be hugely useful and a lot more intuitive if there is the ability to build the FOR / WHILE logic embedded in a container (similar to LabVIEW interface

Advantages include:

- Increased readability. (not having to go into a macro!)

- Increased agility. (more power/ features can be added or modified on the go for something that is more than a Formula tool but not too much interface like a Macro App)

- More intuitive






I spend too much time creating functions and supporting fields to help me aggregate based on dates.  I think that it would be very useful if the Summarize (US spellings....!!!) tool could be extended to include Date Aggregations that were naturally built in such as using a Date field to Group By Year, Month, Date.


I think that this would be a very easy update to the existing functionality and would be very useful as good time could be spent to provide all the usual date / time aggregations pre-made for users.


Kind regards,


If you have 2 containers  A, B and both are not connected through any tool, now you need to run A container first then after completion of running A container then you want to start B container process because B container uses A container output. 


For this we have Chained Apps but what if we want to run both containers in same workflow. This feature will be helpful for so many people.


I would like to Alteyx making a New Warning(Int type)

If a decimal point occurs during division of Int type data, the digits are truncated.

1/3 = 0.333333, but
If it is of type Int, it will be displayed as 0.

I know that the Int type is defined as an integer, but
I would like to Alteryx making a warning if the operation does not result in an integer.

Then we should be able to detect errors.



Some tools have lots of messages that appear in the message log. For stable workflows, would be great to have an option to suppress the messages so that fewer appear or are hidden entirely or only display a message if an error occurs.


For example, I have a workflow that uses a few AutoField tools. This adds as many as 40-50 rows to the message log that becomes 100 lines long. It makes it difficult for me to locate messages I do need within the log when I run my workflow.


Very beneficial will be adding extra row in Input tool (while we importing CSV) where we can define escape character. This functionality will help to avoid errors that currently occur when importing such files.

It might very helpful if we use the same annotation for group of tools. Now it is possible when we copy annotation from one tool to other tool, however maybe option for example "use existing" with dropdown of existing annotations will be more automated. Tool comment allows to do something similar (describing multiple tools in process) however tools must be arranged next to each other to make its use clear.

As in title - it might be helpful to define custom name when you are using Transpose tool instead default nomenclature "Name" and "Value".

Hey gang, just another QoL suggestion from me!


Currently, when applying changes to an existing field that will take the outcome beyond the current field size, we have to use an additional Select tool to get around truncation:




The usual route here is to either a) use a Select tool beforehand to increase the field size:




Or b) create a new field and then remove the 'old' one in a Select tool afterwards, also renaming the replacement here:




Given that we could just do this in one using the Multi-Field Formula tool:




My request is pretty simple here - can the 'Change Output Type to' configuration also be added to the standard Formula tool? The ability to also update the name of the output would be brilliant as well if possible. Cheers!

Auto Field tools help optimally size and assign data types to your data for better performance but this conversion process can be memory intensive with large datasets. What if you could right-click an Auto Field tool to convert it to a standard select tool with the new data types and sizes much like the existing ability to right-click convert inputs into macro inputs or browse tools into outputs? This would eliminate the need to manually transfer the results of the Auto Field tool into a select tool for production workflows!

Hi all, 


I'm trying my best to think of the most secure way to do this and struggling within Alteryx using the Download tool in its current format. 


I am using an Internal API Manager to retrieve data but this particular API requires additional "Headers" values for username and pw beyond my standard OAuth2 flow to the API Manager. Now I can run this locally but in order to save this down to our network as a workflow or to ideally run it from Gallery I should not be leaving credentials in open text anywhere so that anyone looking at the workflow or the underlying xml can grab these creds. Surely quite an easy one to mask or can this be made more dynamic to retrieve credentials from a Key Vault for example? e.g. Azure Key Vault?


Can we add masking to the Download Tool Header Values?





let’s suppose I am working a bank accounts and I do want to make sure I end up with minimum required information hence I would pull the template provided and work backward from there to manipulate the data. The template would include as well a predefined tableau output for example! 


For very complex canvases and api data pulls that take a long time, it would be great that as we're working through the canvas to put flags or some setting that would allow us to keep data already pulled into a tool. This way I can set a certain tool to keep all of its data and then all tools i work on from that point forward will pull from that tool rather than from the beginning of the canvas.


for ex.


input tool --> api tool --> formatting tools --> new tools being worked on


if i can set the end of the formatting tools to keep all data then when i run the canvas only the new tools being worked on would get refreshed


i hope that's clear... currently it's very frustrating that any small change i make, i have to rerun the whole canvas and that takes a while

Hello all,

Big picture : on Hadoop, a table can be

-internal (it's managed by Hive or Impala, and act like any other database)
-external (it's managed by hadoop, can be shared among the different hadoop db such as hive and impala and you can't delete it by default when dropping the table


for info, about suppression on external table :

Alteryx only creates internal tables while it would be nice to have the ability to create external tables that we can query with several tools (Hive, Impala, etc).

It must be implemented

-by default for connection
-by tool if we want to override the default

Best regards,



As of today, we can't choose exactly the file format for Hadoop when writing/creating a table. There are several file format, each wih its specificity.

Therefore I suggest the ability to choose this file format :

-by default on connection (in-db connection or in-memory alias)

-ability to choose the format for the writing tool itself.

Best regards,



Currently if we have to read multiple files though dynamic input, most of the times the files error out due to Schema error and we have to create a batch macro, if there is an option added wherein by right clicking dynamic input it gives and option to create batch macro, a simple batch macro with control parameter, Input tool and macro-output, this will save time in recreating the macro every time

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