Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I use macros all the time, and I would love if the metadata could persist between runs no matter what tools exist in the macro. I've attached a simple example which should demonstrate the issue. After running the module once, the select tool (4) is populated with the expected data; however, as soon as anything changes (like a tool is dropped onto the canvas), the select tool (4) is no longer receiving the metadata to properly be populated. I've added the crosstab tool from the macro onto my workflow to demonstrate that it's only a problem when the tool is inside a macro. It makes it difficult at times to work with workflows that utilize macros due to the metadata constantly disappearing anytime a change is made. The solution would be for the metadata from the last run to persist until the next run. This is how the crosstab tool is working on my workflow, but putting it inside the macro changes its behavior.

Add a new feature to develop your own customized decision tree with Insight. So instead of using a tree generated with the Decision Tree tool a user can generate a tree with custom splits and save  the splitting rules as a model to score later a new dataset. This will provide user the ability to enhace a tree with business knowledge.

The add to / remove from container behavior needs to be modified.  I have frequently had the application completely rearrange my workflow because of it. I was just deleting a handful of closed containers when the application removed all my tools from their individual containers and wrapped everything in one big container completely screwing up my entire workflow.  This happens a lot.  Now I have to reorganize the workflow.  This is one of my biggest frustrations with the application.containers.png

I appreciate being able to write to an ESRI File GeoDatabase. It would be even better if in the process of writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase I could identify fields to index and have them indexed when writing to the File GeoDatabse. Currently I have to add the index in ArcGIS after the fact. Writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase currently adds a spatial index automatically, but I'm talking about an attribute index here.

Hello gurus - 


Pretty much every coding framework supports this.  If we really want Alteryx to embrace no-code, we've got to have some ability to control commit / rollbacks across transactions.  As it stands currently, it is pretty easy to write out parent records, fail to be able to write out children, and wind up with a database state that makes the end users very sad.  





At the moment, we are not able to use input data field names and its values in Output tool, mainly in the Pre-SQL and Post-SQL statement. I see some discussions on this in the community and in many scenarios we require that. It will be great if we have this option.

We are attempting to connect to a Sybase DB. The version we're trying to connect to is 15.7.0. It seems Alteryx only officially supports 15.0.2 connection. 


Will there be an update coming in a future release so that we can connect directly and not have to use DB extracts? 




Please add measures of statistical central tendency to the Summarize tool, such as:




Thank you.

The Record ID tool can take a custom starting value other than the default of 1. I sometimes have a case in which I want the starting value to begin with 1 + the max of another field. I can either do this with a macro or with Append and Formula tools. This is just one example. If I have the ability to use an expression as the Starting Value, then I can do the 1 + max or something else cool and useful.

It would be nice if we could cancel out of the interactive chart tool without saving the changes we made. It would make it easier than trying to recall how we had it before it was opened, especially when you're making small tweaks to formats & dimensions of things to make them look a little different.


The macros included in the CReW macro pack are excellent. However, having to install them each time and hope that your users have the macros installed can be a pain. 

Suggest adding them as default tools in the next version of alteryx.

I have not found this function or a workaround, only as "recent connections" which normally, are not saved on Virtual Machines.

This would save the time it takes to find the path/folder where Calgary DBs are saved.


if this has been proposed or fixed already, please delete this idea! 

The current (version 7.0.x) Google Analytics connector in the Analytics Gallery is not very robust. I had issues maintaining credentials and was forced to frequently reconnect and reconfigure the GA tools in my flow.  I ended up resorting to other means of downloading the data from GA.


It would be helpful if Alteryx created a "first-class" data connector as exists for other cloud-based data sources such as Salesforce. 



There is a web hosted trial that anyone can have a hands on experiance with alteryx tutorials  without even downoading the tool.

That's awesome...


It may be a nice idea to;


1) either start seperate "Alteryx-kaggle" instances with data sets specific to each kaggle competition so that anyone want to try out may have a go with those well known examples thru the Alteryx site, 

2) Or even better have a partnership with kaggle so that anyone can just have it's own Alteryx trial per specific competition on the kaggle website...


I'm sure this will draw a lot of attention...



You'll immediately have a greater reach in Kaggle community, some data hobbiyists and cs, ie students and acedemics (which will eventually end up doing lot's of data blending when ther are going to be hired by top notch firms...

It will be a really nice feature if we can sum up values horizontally (row by row), as what we can do in Excel. This will give us more flexibility and hot to have to transpose data first in order to do the sum, especially when data set is really large. It is very time consuming to do all the preparation work to set data ready.

Alteryx started as a geospatial application. The "y" and "x" in Alteryx stand for the geospatial origin of the application. So why doesn't every tool in the Spatial Category have a One Tool Example? As of version 2019.2.7, there is only one One Tool Example in the Spatial Category. It is for the Distance Tool.


Please make One Tool Examples for every Spatial tool. Thank you.

A multifilter tool would match excel capabilities and make users more comfortable making leap to Alteryx from excel/.


I pull alot of excel and text files through Alteryx; the files always have empty rows that make viewing the files through Alteryx unwieldy.  It is easy to filter one at a time but that is laborious,.  I put a post out to the community and others encountered same issue.  There was a macro built to bring this capability to Alteryx; it really should be a native feature.  I would rather not have to use a macro


Users in excel do sumifs, countifs where multiple fields are pulled into the formula.  The current filter tool in Alteryx only considers one column.  To match excel, the ability to bring multiple columns into the filter tool at once would match this capability.




Stan Grabish

(404) 925-3013





It would be nice to have the option to overlay multiple addresses to find  marketing opportunities within the heatmap. Currently I have to map the addresses elsewhere and click back and forth between tabs to see where they lay within the chosen variables.


When reading and writing large data frames to/from a python script in Alteryx it seems that there are limitations to the SQLite component of the tool. Given that this selection is recommended only when the user is having issues in the python tool why is the option selected by default? A colleague and I spent a couple of hours trying to work through an issue with importing a data frame larger than 1000x1000 and once we found this option (SQLite override) and unchecked it the data was written back to Alteryx without any problems.


Hint provided by the tool, "This changes the intermediate data format between Alteryx and Jupyter from yxdb to SQLite. Use only if running into issues. See help for more details."


SQLite override is default selectionSQLite override is default selection

Error message provided by the tool

error message.PNG

After unchecking the option the workflow ran without any errors.


Recommendation: the python tool should default to SQLite override unchecked


When I checked out if there is a way to force the intercept to 0 or some other constant value, it's not doable from the tool configurations.

Linear Regression.png


So manually we can have "0" intercept in linear regression this way (edit the macro's R tool)


cars.lm <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
cars.lm2 <- lm(dist ~ 0 + speed, data = cars) 

# Adding the 0 term tells the lm() to fit the line through the origin


So a minor addition of a tickbox will solve that and make that linear regression tool more flexible i guess...



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