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After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
Alteryx's spatial tools are really powerful and offer a lot of value for analysis. However, when rendering a map for output, there is currently no way to place an image inside of a polygon. This feature would be very useful for customized layers on maps and other spatial-based processes.
My rough suggestion would be to scale a selected image to the size of the polygon's bounding rectangle, and then trim the edges of the image to fit inside the polygon itself.
Recently in Feb 2016, Australia released the geocoded national address file to the public for no extra cost and will continually update this each quarter.
I think It would be a game changer to build this functionality natively into the alteryx product to enable any alteryx user simple access to it. also I think it would drive a lot of sales for the alteryx product.
May I suggest you add the capability to use maps from the OpenStreetMap project offline.
Many thanks
In the Report Map tool, I'm locked from changing the 'Background Color' menu, and the color appears to be set to R=253, G=254, B=255, which is basically white.
However, when we use our TomTom basemap, we see that the background is actually blue, despite what's listed in the Background Color window. (This goes beyond the 'Ocean' layer, and appears to cover all space 'under' the continents and ocean.) Since we oftren print large maps of the east coast, this tends to use a lot of blue ink. I've attached a sample image to illustrate this.
My solve to-date has been to edit the underlying TeleAtlas text file and change the default background (117 157 181) to white (255 255 255). Unfortunately, we lose these changes with each data update.
Could Alteryx unlock the Background Color menu, and have it affect the 'base' layer, underneath oceans and continents in TomTom maps? Not sure how it might affect aerial imagery.
As a GIS department, we use numerous spatial datasets on a daily basis. Many of these are quite large and we are looking for ways to optimize their performance. Right now, we are forced to use an indexed folder system to increase performance, but we would like to move to Calgary databases. The problem is, that Calgary databases only hold point features which limits the number of our datasets that we can use it with. If we could spatially index line and polygon features as well, that would dramatically increase the usefulness of a Calgary database.
I'm still relatively new, so I trust someone will correct and instruct me if this already exists. I have looked and have not been able to find it.
It would be nice if there was an option to return the standard 2 letter abbreviations for states from the Allocate Input tool's "Pick Variables" "geographic Identifiers." Currently, the only identifiers available are "Key" an"Name":
Where, Key is numeric ("02", "44", etc.), and Name is the full state Name. In order to join to most of our databases, I usually need this to be the standard 2 letter abbreviation. This forces me to join to another database table to translate it.
Could you please add a second/separate opacity setting for polygons? Many times I'd like to have a solid border around a trade area, but with about a 50% opacity setting for the fill.
Do put an option to take any distance.
it sure have case that we do not care the distance.
same go to other spatial tool have similar setting.
With more people moving into urban developments, it would be helpful to allow analysts to measure customers within a "walking distance". Similar to drive time analysis, a step up would be to incorporate "walk time" analysis.
Currently, the map input for an application defaults either to a global view of the United States or to a fixed boundary. Usng a chained application, it would be an extremely useful option to be able to specifiy spatial objects (points, lines, polygons) in the first application and then allow the second application to zoom in appropriately to those spatial objects. This could be done by either specifying a custom zoom level and using those spatial objects as a center through a reference layer, or by allowing the zoom's boundary to contain all the spatial objects (similar to the map reporting tools).
US and Canada datasets are underlined so far but,
Alteryx is expanding towards, Denmark, Germany, France and several other countries...
The question is; Why don't we have Eurostat data provided as well?
Bulk options for some datasets are available.
Even one can get a grasp on micro datasets and Alteryx may have a deal inf this micro dataset is anonymized...
I think it would be useful to have an ability to groupby spatialobj in the summarize tool. I currently work around this by using several tools and I think it would be great to use the native summarize tool.
In GIS, spatial data is regularly stored/transmitted as text. With this comes metadata, including the projection used.
Example Issue: When extracting data from ESRI's ArcGIS REST Directories, the projection can be extracted from the information, but must be manually defined in the Make Points Tool. If you are trying to compile data from several different sources, all using different projections, you cannot automate the process.
Suggested Solution: Add WKT to macro interface configuration options so that an Action Interface Tool can update the Create Points Tool.
JSON extract.png - This is a screenshot of the spatial reference metadata in a JSON formatted query from an ArcGIS REST Directory.
action tool.png - Current configuration options for Create Points Tool in the Action Interface Tool.
Working for an education company, it would be a huge value for us to be able to have the US school districts available in the spatial sweet of apps, so I could take all of the US schools that are customers and map them to their School Districts in a polygon map.
I appreciate being able to write to an ESRI File GeoDatabase. It would be even better if in the process of writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase I could identify fields to index and have them indexed when writing to the File GeoDatabse. Currently I have to add the index in ArcGIS after the fact. Writing to an ESRI File GeoDatabase currently adds a spatial index automatically, but I'm talking about an attribute index here.
Alteryx started as a geospatial application. The "y" and "x" in Alteryx stand for the geospatial origin of the application. So why doesn't every tool in the Spatial Category have a One Tool Example? As of version 2019.2.7, there is only one One Tool Example in the Spatial Category. It is for the Distance Tool.
Please make One Tool Examples for every Spatial tool. Thank you.
Currently I am unable to use Alteryx's spatial calculations in completing required reporting for CMS. Its unfortunate, because in my mind Alteryx is a superior approach allowing for customization and seamless integration with varied data sources used within our company.
You might ask, why don't you just use actual driving distance? The datasets that we are measuring are enormous. +60M member files are being compared to 70K providers. Alteryx is missing a huge opportunity to get into this market.
Travel Distance to Providers and Facilities
The second component of the review process tests the percentage of beneficiaries resident in a given county with access to a particular specialty type within the maximum travel distance. For a given county and specialty type, CMS uses the geographic coordinates for the associated providers or facilities and the geographic coordinates for the beneficiaries resident in the county and calculates the travel distance between them. The travel distance is calculated using a formula to determine the estimated driving distance (miles) between the latitude and longitude coordinates and provides an average for the total beneficiaries in the given county
It would be great to have a spatial function that could be used to evaluate whether two spatial objects are equal/identical. I see this being available in at least three places:
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