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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
When you use Create Points tool - you then almost always need to use a Select tool to rename that point.
Can we please add a single text field to the Create Points tool - which would then allow us to create and name a point in one step?
As mention on this post here I would love the ability to change the map provider to any other map service (Mapbox, google, some other paid option). This could be achieved by adding a "Map Severs" option in the default configuration and where you put in the map server details.
We now have the ability to output to an ESRI File Geodatabase, which is great, but it only allows you to output it to the WGS84 coordinate system. I would like to have the same functionality to export it to other projections or coordinate systems similar to the ESRI Shapefile or ESRI Personal Geodatabase output tools (we specifically need NAD83 but I'm sure others would like other options as well).
Tableau v2018.3 introduced multiple table extracts. These are particularly useful for fact table to fact table joins and fact table to entitlement table joins for row-level security where the number of rows created by the join and/or size of join results would be prohibitively large. Also they are useful for fact table to spatial joins where we might have multiple spatial objects (for example custom province/district/health facility catchment) for each row of fact table data.
So in Alteryx I'd like to be able to specify 2+ tables & their join keys and then write out a .hyper multiple tables extract.
I am bringing this over from this post.
It would be really cool to have a workflow that you could configure to your server that we could schedule to pull down the new Cass updates and install them. Since they have to be reinstalled every two months, it would help to manage that.
I think that the data updates are set up with an FTP site, Cass could be done essentially the same way. Download it there and then use the command module to run the install? I may be over simplifying the process but it seems like this is something that Alteryx could tackle.
The guide line of Shape File is below. They recommend that you use only letters and numbers.
"Spaces and certain characters are not supported in field names. Special characters include hyphens such as in x-coordinate and y-coordinate; parentheses; brackets; and symbols such as $, %, and #. Essentially, eliminate anything that is not alphanumeric or an underscore."
But many GIS tools can read and write 2 byte field name at Shape File.
(e.g. QGIS
And Esri Japan says Shape file can use 2 byte field name.
We want to use 2 byte field name at Shape File on Alteryx Designer.
(e.g. UTF-8 , Shift-JIS )
Hey Alteryx Community,
I think Alteryx uses the Tableau SDK to create tableau data extracts, TDE's. Since Tableau 10.3, there is functionality to connect to spatial files in Tableau (.shp). These shapefiles can be converted to an tableau data extract within Tableau. The tableau SDK has this functionality as well, but Alteryx does not support it yet. The suggestion is to add this functionality. See for the SDK link.
Spatial TDE's are way smaller (3gb .shp went to 140mb TDE) and way faster.
We primarily work on tracking people through a store or any physical space and extract shopping trip information such as areas visited, dwell time, etc. This shopper track information consists of a series of X,Y coordinates which are also used to plot heat maps based on density of points in a given area.
I have been using a workaround due to the lack of cartesian coordinate support in spatial tools - involving converting cartesian values to Lat., Long. by dividing X,Y values by 10,000. This approach works fine for finding spatial matches between points and polygons. However, when using something like a heat map tool which requires Grid Size and Max Distance in Miles/Kilometers, since there is no support for smaller units of distance, you will not be able to generate a heatmap data file.
In addition to adding support for Cartesian coordinates, it would also be helpful to provide an option to load in a Floorplan/Image as Base Map when browsing Spatial tool results.
I periodically consume data from state governments that is available via an ESRI ArcGIS Server REST endpoint. Specifically, a FeatureServer class.
For example:
Currently, I have to import the data via ArcMap or ArcCatalog and then export it to a datatype that Alteryx supports.
It would be nice to access this data directly from within Alteryx.
Let's "Elevate" Alteryx to enter the Euclidean space and add the Z-Coordinates to our spatial tools!
Sometimes we may have polygons, such as county boundaries, and need to split the polygons into smaller areas using polylines, such as roads. Please consider adding a polygon split by lines tool. I imagine it could be like the Poly-Split tool, but accept two inputs of a polygon field and a polyline field.
Ability to ‘name’ the point created in the “Create Points” tool.
Instead of sticking a select tool after it to rename it from ‘centroid’ to Starting Location or Store location or whatever.
In order to fully take advantage of Alteryx spatial features it would be great to have the ability of using Openstreetmap extract files natively.
While there are some sources available in SHP format they tend to be heavily cut down in detail, while the native OSM and PBF have the full feature set.
As it's an open format licensing shouldn't be an issue and it may pave the way to new features.
What do you think?
In working through challenge 77 it became apparent that here are a few useful formulae that would help with work like this:
Input: Point; Bearing; Distance; Units
Output: New point
Degrees to DMS:
Input: Degrees as floating point
Output: string with Degrees; minutes & Seconds
DMS to Degrees:
Inverse of the above
Please add support to read and write spatial data from a SpatiaLite database. ESRI and QGIS have supported this format out of the box for quite a while. We have a mixed use environment Alteryx, ESRI, Mapinfo and QGIS and would like a common file based spatial format. You already support SQLite, its container, so expanding to the SpatialLite spec should be a no brainer.
When a user wants to use the find nearest to say find the nearest within 200 miles the dropdown stops at 100.
Similar if they want a number in between IE 15 the interface is not intuitive.
While you can just type the number in the interface doesn't look like you are able to.
Simply adding a "Custom" selection at the bottom would make this much more intuitive.
Would be nice to have 3 outputs on Spatial Match, same as a standard Join. Output unmatched objects from the Universe input.
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