Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Workflow precedence contraint

With SSIS, you can invoke user precedence contraint(s) to where you will not run any downstream flows until one or more flows complete.  A simple connector should allow you to do this.  Right now, I have my workflow(s) in containers, and have to disable / enable different workflows, which can be time consuming.  Below is a better definition:


Precedence constraints link executables, containers, and tasks in packages in a control flow, and specify conditions that determine whether executables run. An executable can be a For Loop, Foreach Loop, or Sequence container; a task; or an event handler. Event handlers also use precedence constraints to link their executables into a control flow.

5 - Atom

Typo on the word constraint.  You know what I mean. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes