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Workflow Bookmark

I spoke to an Alteryx Product Manager, Alex Polly and pitched an idea about having workflows bookmarked for weekly or monthly runs. 


I run weekly workflows together one after the one, from different folders and I have to open file location every single time. So here's a thought, how about if we can bookmark workflows as a set/folder itself and one click and all workflows open up. 


Chrome has this feature storing the links in a bookmark folder. 


Please find the link for your reference.



Jai Katariya



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Check out the Workflow Groups feature that came in 2018.2


If you have all your workflows open, you can then go to File > Create Workflow Group and save a yxwg file that will in future open all your required workflows in that group.

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Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes