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Way to present Records Displays in Result window

Hi Team,


Version: 2019.3



As what title said, it was hard to see the records display when the records is too large.


I have to adjust the Config Window to see the records. It is pain when checking a workflow with Join.



1. Used fraction:   100,000/1,000,000 Records Displayed

2. Change based on the size it have, minimum will be 1,000,000 Records. Partial displayed will show if it expand.

3. Reduce the space for Search Bar, only Expand if selected.

4. Use another line. 



10 Records (no Issue)

1 Million Records1 Million Records


1 Miillion Records (Issue to see the records)

10 Records10 Records

11 - Bolide

Probably a general issue when the results window need to be narrow, whether due to low-resolution screen or the width is needed for the Configuration window. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


I reviewed your post and everything looks good to go. Be sure to check out our updated Submission Guidelines for any board or criteria related questions!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes