Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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URL-Decode function

Hi, I've noted that there is not url-decode function in Alteryx. I guess I'm the first one to need that, so I'm posting this idea here. I think it would not be a big deal to do so if there's a url-encode function. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @iperich,

I'd posted a similar idea - that it would be useful to have both the encode and decode functions available (to replace %20 with spaces for example on the decode) - agree with you!

7 - Meteor

I agree this would be really useful.


We currently have a macro that shares data via uploads to S3 which calls an API to generate pre signed URLs to the files before using the Email tool to send out an email with the link in the body. We use the Report Text macro to create the body of the email and the 'hyperlink feature'. This generates a body with Link [LINK_TEXT]|[LINK_TO_FILE], however this will url encode the already url encoded string which creates an invalid hyperlink. Having the ability to url decode the string coming back from the AWS Signed URL will allow us to continue using the hyperlink feature in Report Text when emailing.

8 - Asteroid

@SME_Steve I know this is old but did you ever find a resolution to this?  I'm using the AWS presign function and when rendering the URL on the page, its re-encoding %2F to %252F. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes