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Tool for grand totals

I think there should be a tool that allows you to produce grand totals for any numeric field you want. In the tool, you should be able to check off the fields you wish to be totaled at the bottom. I prefer this over having to use the summary tool and then using the union tool to produce totals at the bottom of my output. 
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Check out my Add Totals macro (

which you can get as part of my CReW macros pack from here:

6 - Meteoroid

@Adam, what if you're totaling up across? The Add Totals macro doesn't add up the grand total for that column. Instead it adds a new "Right Total" column. How do you merge the two to show that "Right Total" amount in the proper Total column?

6 - Meteoroid

I should have been more specific; I added a formula column to total up some columns across then selected that column in the Add Totals tool. I didn't choose the Add Total Row and Column because I only wanted to select certain columns across and certain rows down.


But I actually got a breakthrough as I was typing this update. All I had to do is use the Add Totals tool twice; once down then across.