Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Support SAML/SSO for the Publish to Tableau Server Tool

In response to my question here:


The Publish to Tableau Server does not support SAML/SSO. I would like this feature to be added to this tool as it will make our business process more efficient.


Thank you.

7 - Meteor

Hi all - I've found a hack for Publishing to Tableau Server with SSO authentication


I've tried it and it works.

5 - Atom


5 - Atom

This would be helpful.

5 - Atom

IS the solution to SAML auth available for the new/any version of publish to tableau server??

If yes which version should i download?

If not definitely this needs to be incorporated, this helps streamlining the business process

7 - Meteor

Hi @Dhagupta 


Not sure if it is available with any version of Tbaleau Server. We're running Tableau Server Version: 2019.1.4, but I can't see the version affecting this option. The original fix was for an older version...


Publish to Tableau Server uses Tableau's REST API which does not support SAML. So Alteryx cannot add that functionality until Tableau offers it.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Partner Dependent

Thank you for contributing to the community and the idea board!


This has been moved to the Designer Idea Board as this idea involves the Alteryx Connectors, which is rooted in Designer product. I've also updated the status to Partner Dependent. As @DavidHa mentioned, Tableau's REST API currently doesn't support SAML/SSO authentication, so we're unable to add this functionality until Tableau also provides the functionality on their end.

11 - Bolide

Hi all,


To be "Partner Independent", maybe this idea can help : ? 

