Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Subtitiles in the Interactive videos

Hi, I would like to suggest to have subtitles for interactive videos.

As there are many non-native speakers whose 1st language is not english, including me, I feel the video accent pace is sometimes too fast . Having sometimes helps to understand the content better without needing to pause multiple times if pace of the talk seems fast.


Please help incorporate these as I believe as it would benefit many learners.

I hope the addition is not too complex.


Thank you for consideration

8 - Asteroid

Further to the above request of adding subtiles, can you please consider adding 'video slow down/speed up' feature (as in play at 0.75 speed, 1x speed, 1.25  x speed and so on) ? and also the rewind /forward 5sec?

These features are ubiqitous across different learning platforms now and it helps a lot to tailor learning speeds to absorb infomration as processing info speed is different for different people.



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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes