Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Size on disk at directory tool

Hello Alteryx Comunity! Recently, i was working on a project to generate a database with information such as size, last access date and fullpath of a disk. I noticed that the alteryx component "directory" brings almost all that i need, but it doesn't bring the "size on disk" property. When a file is compressed, it becomes hard to know what is its actual size on disk. My idea for you is to bring one more collumn in the directory tool, which is the "size on disk" field. Thanks for the great work you did by creating the alteryx, it helps a lot in the job.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @VictorAltx176, thank you for the kind words, we love hearing that this software has a meaningful impact. If you haven’t yet be sure to check out our updatedSubmission Guidelines as well as the other product idea forums, and "Like" the ones you'd like to see in the product. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes