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Simple Excel Output Formatting

Hello Team,


I have been using Alteryx for sometime now. The final output of any kind be it analytics or simple Excel outputs is expected to have some basic formatting.


A minimum of 3 Tools and humongous effort is need to format even basic headers and Cells with a border and color.


Using Table followed by Render and then column level setting for having borders for the set of data is little time consuming considering it has 0 impact on the actual data output.


Additionally Render tool to Excel will be in number format regardless of the data type. Same is the case for date fields.


Also the Render tool Layout changes impact the data as well as the column lengths adversely.


Can we have some simple option of overwriting a file where the formatted excel is merely overwritten with data without changing the datatype or format out the excel sheet.


It would be huge win if this is easily do-able wither via a new tool or as an option in the output tool.



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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes