Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Show the curl statement that is executed in the download tool

I would love to be able to see the actual curl statement that is executed as part of the download tool. Maybe something like a debug switch can be added which would produce 1 extra output field which is the curl statement itself? This would greatly enhance the ability to debug when things aren't working as expected from the download tool.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Makes sense to me!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This would be very very helpful in debugging API calls - and could easily be compared to the CURL call produced by Postman.

11 - Bolide

This would be very usefull!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


It's great to see so much engagement on such a young idea, and we greatly appreciate the feedback on how we can improve the download tool since we understand it's a bit advanced. 

5 - Atom

Fiddler classic is a great tool for monitoring https requests made by your applications.  It is very helpful for this use case.

13 - Pulsar

Hello @KylieF 

It's not that actually advanced 😉 The Alteryx Download tool uses CURL to pass the query to API and retrieve the data . CURL is just a tool that you can use cmd line. Having the curl statement helps a lot for debugging because often, the  API documentation shows as an illustration the curl statement. I would have gained 1 hour of debugging this morning as an example.This is the API equivalent of having the SQL query in INDB tools.

Best regards,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This is a must. It's so hard to debug the download tool right now. We get these generic error messages without knowing the real issue. If we had at least the curl statement produced, we could google it.

8 - Asteroid

Totally agree with this feature

@simonaubert_bd  The Download Tool does not invoke a process call to execute curl.exe; it calls libcurl.dll through a wrapper. Still, I can see the point that there's value in adding a debug option to append a column with the arguments passed in that call.
13 - Pulsar

@olcHello. thanks for the precision. Hope to see that soon.

Best regards,
