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Search Feature in Summarize Tool

Is it possible to add a search feature to the Summarize Tool that is similar to the search feature in the Select Tool?  Selecting specific fields to summarize in small datasets is fine, but if I am dealing with a table that has 200 fields searching for a specific field can be cumbersome.  Type in a few key letters to filter the available fields would be helpful.

10 - Fireball

Hi @MarcCDD2 it would be useful. 


Are you aware that you can put the fields in alphabetical order? Makes it easier to find a field based on name. 

5 - Atom

@Rags1982 , yes. Thanks for the suggestion.  It's just when the key work is buried within the field name.  Like AvgValue, MeanValue, MinValue.  If I could just search on 'Value' and all 3 fields would be visible rather than searching for each no matter the order of the fields.  It's a small annoyance but I've run into it a few times this month on a large dataset.