Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Saving Data Field *ORDER* in Select Tool

While the Select Tool allows users to save a particular "configuration", that "configuration" data only includes selected fields and the associated data types.  It does NOT save the field order.  Since one of the features of the Select Tool is being able to reorder data fields, this should also be part of the saved configuration.  Currently, if you connect a Select Tool to a data source, the order of the columns reverts to match the source data field order, which is very frustrating.

14 - Magnetar


This is only a partway solution, and I think adding a "Save Order" checkbox to the Select tool would be a great idea.

If you can change the order of at least one field in the Select tool, it will enforce and save order.


This can even include a field that is NOT selected in the final output.


So, if you try manipulating the order with a deselected field, this might help.

If you need a workaround because you want all fields in the specified order from your data source, you could use a formula tool to create a "dummy" column, then deselect it in the select tool.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Did you know that you can save the SELECT tool's field configuration?  Not only can you Save it, but you can also Load it.  This might help too.





12 - Quasar

 There's also a CREW macro that might help you out...Sort-Field-Names-Tool

7 - Meteor



Unfortunately, that option to save field configuration does not save field ORDER, it only saves the data types.

5 - Atom

Has anyone found any new solution to this?  I have a workflow select tool thats in the order I want, everything else is unchecked and it comes out to excel in the wrong order.  So far the only way I have been able to resolve is to add a second select tool and it works with no problem.

5 - Atom

@Campbellj2 this worked for me:



12 - Quasar

If you have a table with the fields in the order you want them -- like if your first input has the fields the way you want them, but you spawned off a bunch of modifications with filters etc. -- here's a bit of a hack...


  • Attach a Filter tool to your "ideal" table and set the expression to 1=0.
    • This will return an empty (0 row) table with the fields in the proper order
  • Attach a Union tool to the 0 row table as the first connection
  • Attach your desired output table to the Union tool as the second connection
    • You can use the "Output a Common Subset of Fields" to limit the output to common fields


Another option:


  • FieldInfo tool to "ideal table"
  • RecordID tool to add a sequence
  • Formula tool to add a new field with "PadLeft(ToString([RecordID]),5,'0')+[Name]"
  • Dynamic Rename tool to change field names to new padded name
  • CREW FieldSort tool
  • Dynamic Rename tool to reverse field name changes
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Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes