Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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SMTP Authentication with Microsoft Office 365

Alteryx does not currently have to email tool that is configurable to use SMTP Authentication for Microsoft Office 365 or any server requiring authentication.  Our office printer can authenticate over SMTP and with TLS enabled why not my Alteryx mail tool - 'mic drop!'


Further explained, Alteryx is a tool that needs to live within abide by the policies and security standards in the organization not vice versa.  Therefore, it shouldn't be a big surprise, or a big ask for that matter, that a mail client should have the ability to authenticate prior to sending email of SMTP.   I'm very surprised this tool is so arcane.  Please implement quickly.  Thank you

8 - Asteroid

+1 quite important as it is not safe at all using SMTP without Authentication. 

5 - Atom

SSL and TLS support for Email Tool is going to be a very good addition and it's very helpful too.

7 - Meteor

This also an issue if publishing to Power BI that requires the authentication as well.

7 - Meteor

Hopefully someone is listening


Hey everyone,


As of the 2019.3 version of Alteryx Designer we have authentication functionality within the Email Tool. Users can now enter their credentials (username & password), select an encryption method, and connect to the appropriate port number.


If you are interested in connecting to a Gmail or other email service that was not previously supported by Alteryx Designer, please refer to the following knowledge base article to learn more on how to do so.


Designer 2019.3 -

Version 2019.3.2.15763

Release Date: September 3, 2019

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @mathias_schnoor and @brian2_newman!


I wanted to reach out to let you know I've moved your ideas about the SMTP authentication in our Email tool to here.  I also have good news, this request has been implemented, and you can now find your idea in version 2019.3!


Thank you all for your idea and contributing to the growth of Alteryx!


8 - Asteroid
For me, this is partially solved. I don't often use the email tool, where I really needed authentication was in the workflow email event menu. I was hoping I'd find the same email options there, but there are not. 😞