Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Restart from Here

all too often, we build an alteryx flow just to realise that step 8 out of 10 was wrong -so back to the beginning and rerun the entire thing.   this often is tedious if your work requires a big data set.


So there is a workaround, using the Cache Macro which can be downloaded (but this does require quite a bit of fiddling with containers; disabling items; setting flags; etc) - but it would be good to allow the user to "restart from here" like you can with a powerpoint slide deck.    I appreciate that this may be tricky since Alteryx may be flushing data out of memory as it goes along, so it cannot restart from any arbitrary point - but if we put the workflow into a "testing cached mode" to cache data at each step; or allowed users to set particular controls as a breakpoint and cache at these points, that would help immensely.


Thank you



7 - Meteor

Could someone send a link showing how the  restart works?  This would be really helpful to me!!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Tim_at_Ford here's a link for you check out. Let us know if it does the trick for you.

Just take the Cache and Run! Caching in 2018.3

7 - Meteor



Thank you so much for your reply.  Apologies for tardy response!


I will give that try!!

