Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Rescale / normalization tool


It would be nice to have a tool that automatically normalized data, or calculated percentages.  This could be overall or in groups. 


For example, maybe I have a dataset with 2 columns: US State and Number of amusement parks.  So I know the count of amusement parks by state.  But maybe I want a distribution so I can see which percentage are in what state.  What I want is (# of parks in a state) / (total across all states).  Currently you need at least 3 tools to do this calculation (summarize, then join or append fields, then formula).  This is a very common operation, and often I want counts and percentages next to each other in a table.


Such a tool could be called "normalize" or "rescale" or "scale".  It could be more general - maybe not just normalizing so values add to 1 (or 100%), but to other magnitudes, recentering the data, or doing a "standard normal" (z score) transormation as suggested here:

11 - Bolide

Much Needed!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes