Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Please : let us configure the Designer System Settings without a license


In my company, we have our personal account (let's say myorganization\saubert) and, if we have the right to, a LOCAL admin account (eg : .\adminsaubert) to make install of sofware, etc...

So, the license is on my personal account



Now, I want to access the System settings :



And then  I have this very friendly message :



If i click on "OK", it opens the License manager.
If I click on "Cancel", it closes the windows and I'm unable to change my system settings.


I think changing these system settings shouldn't require a license.

Best regards,


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



Hello! I apologize for the frustration. Does your company have any restrictions on licensing while running as an administrator? Licensing on an administrator level would at least alleviate the issue as both user accounts will have the license on record so either can update the user settings.

13 - Pulsar

Hello @KylieF . The administrator account does not have any access/account, etc on the network. It's a pure local account set on the computer. And most of the people does not have access to this administrator account.

I also guess it will take two license seat instead of one?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes