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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Pause/restart Module

I would like to be able to pause a module A, run module B then restart A at a later time.   

10 - Fireball
Also, have the ablity to pause make changes to any unprocessed tool and restart would be wonderful. 
7 - Meteor
add a resume option after you make edits to tools still @ 0% progress (like output)
7 - Meteor
This would be a great time saver  as we often need to rerun complex workflows multiple times iteratively.
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for your post! We are really interested in this idea, however we cannot fit this idea on the near future road map. We’ll keep this idea in mind however and update the status once we’re better able to speak on when or if we can implement it.