Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Multi-Row/Window Functionality In-Database

During my time with Alteryx, I've largely been able to accomplish all of my data processing jobs using the in-database toolset.


One exception is when it comes to window functions/multi-row formulas. When window functionality is needed, an Alteryx approach ends up looking something like this:
- Stream data out of database to an intermediate table

- Run a pre-written window function over dataset

- Store results into another intermediate table

- Load intermediate table into separate Alteryx workflow to continue further processing


While it may be possible to use a self-join as a workaround, it results in a bottlenecked, inefficient process. The same could be said for streaming the dataset out of database to use the non-in-database multi-row formula built in to Alteryx.

If anyone knows of an existing solution, please let me know - otherwise I believe many users would greatly benefit from this added functionality.

8 - Asteroid



You might want to check out this Inter-Works blog post. I used the approach in one of my workflows and it worked great.

Status changed to: Inactive

The status of this idea has been changed to 'Inactive'. This status indicates that:


1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

3. The idea is still in the 'New Idea' status. 


However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


Thank you for contributing to the Alteryx Community and the Alteryx Product Idea Boards!

8 - Asteroid

+1 for this functionality, its super inefficient for large datasets to pull data out of DB to perform simple window calcs (eg group by n fields and then take the mode of the n+1th field)