Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Mockup Data for testing and anonymisation

A function to generate relevant Random Mockup data to replace existing data or create new test data sets.

Insert into fields mock data for First Name, Family Name, Email Address, Country, Regular Address, Payment amount and information, etc.


This would be easy to code and could be used to easily replace existing fields with made up fields or jumbled up fields or numbers e.g. payment amounts randomised to a similar size and shape.  There are a number of internet sites that already provide this service but it would be so much better to bake this directly into a tool that allows you to generate random datasets for testing and anonymisation of existing data for demos etc.


This would make users of Alteryx much more productive and allow them to preempt datasets and allow much more rapid creation of solutions.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

I do like this idea and have seen it suggested or asked about a couple of times.


@FredericP wrote this great post which touches upon some of your ideas and may help - Although I'm guessing you would like maybe one tool/macro which would anonymise/scramble all fields.

13 - Pulsar

Anonymizing is something,

creating mock-up credit card transaction, website clickstream or mobile network data is something different I guess...


  • For the anonymizing tool you can benefit from encrypting macros available here;  Split the macro into two and enrcypt the encrypting macro, but don't forget the key :)
  • For creating mockup data I recommend you using montecarlo simulation tool...


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes