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Mask for numeric fields in Results window for thousands separator

Hello all,


When looking at the Results window, I often find it a headache to read the numeric results because of the lack of commas. I understand that incorporating commas into the data itself could make for some weird errors; however, would it be possible to toggle an option that displays all numeric fields with proper commas and right-aligned in the Results window? I am referring to using a display mask to make numeric fields look like they have the thousands separator while retaining numeric functionality (as opposed to converting the fields to strings). 


What do you think?

Alteryx Display Mask example.JPG




13 Comentarios

Yes, this functionality would be much appreciated. Especially since copying directly from Alteryx to Excel seems to mess up decimals, so 12.3 become 123. 


So no other way around than outputting to Excel which takes extra time when working together with data

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

This would make a great enhancements to the results grid. Would need to be carful with regional differences in ,s .s etc.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
El estado se ha cambiado a: Implemented

Good news! In 2020.4, we introduced International Numeric Display Support - for thousand separator and the decimal symbol. See the Localization help for more details.


Go to the Localization Settings (in User Settings):




From here you can choose a separator based on your region:




And finally, you can toggle this separator on and off in the results grid, based on your workflow needs:



