Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Intuitive Summarize Tool

The summarize tool have drag drop facility and cross checking and suggestion on the type of aggregation that can be applied based on the data type.


e.g. Let there be two different stack. One to be used for Group By. Another for aggregation.


We should be able to drag fields to these sections.


Now when we are dragging something to the Aggregation stack, based on the data type, a small suggestion list of possible aggregation to choose from.


And a small validation of the data type to aggregation if we are defining the aggregation manually.


I can provide mock ups if anyone is interested.

Status changed to: Inactive

The status of this idea has been changed to 'Inactive'. This status indicates that:


1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

3. The idea is still in the 'New Idea' status. 


However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


Thank you for contributing to the Alteryx Community and the Alteryx Product Idea Boards!