Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Introduce tool which changes the type dynamically such as Dynamic Rename changes the names

I would really love to have a tool "Dynamic change type" or "Dynamic re-type" which is used just as "Dynamic Rename".


  • "Take Type from First Row of Data": By definition, all columns are of a string type initially. Sets the type of the column according to the string in the first row of data.
    Col 1Col 2Col 3Col 4
  • "Take Type from Right Input Metadata": Changes the types of the left input table to the ones by right input.
  • "Take Type from Right Input Rows": Changes the types based on a table with columns "Name" and "New Type".
    NameNew Type
    Col 1Double
    Col 2Int32
    Col 3V_String
    Col 4Date
10 - Fireball

I like the idea of this. However, I would prefer the Auto Field tool to be amended to do something like this instead of a new tool. the Auto Field tool will auto change the field type, like you are suggesting, but could be amended to have an additional optional input anchor and a few other 'features' like you say. 

9 - Comet

@Rags1982 I also thought of extending Dynamic Select which would also avoid adding another tool. And since the "normal" Select is used to change the type as well, this would also fit into the concept.

7 - Meteor

@haraldharders I have built a macro that does something like this, but would be good to have it natively in Alteryx. Only issue that I have using the macro based one is that it utilizes a batch macro so it does maintain the metadata when it is refreshed.


If you would like me to add the first option to take from first row would not be too difficult to extend the current macro.